02/13/2018-Parks Rec-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: Parks and Recreation Board February 13, 2018 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jackie Turner, Josh Shumate, Kelsey Stuart, Cale Trail, and Carrie Bilyeu MEMBERS ABSENT: Jason Collett OTHERS PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Director James Berman and Recreation Coordinator Jennifer Shumate 1. Meeting called to order. 2. Pledge. 3. Citizen’s Input. • No citizens in attendance. 4. Consider minutes of the meeting of January 9, 2018. • Minutes approved unanimously after a motion to approve by Carrie Bilyeu and a second by Jackie Turner. 5. Mother Son Dance for Valentines Day to be Held on February 17, 2018. • Jennifer Shumate advised that members were welcome to attend if they had the time but that not a lot of help was needed. The church was already decorated by the parks guys, tickets sales were strong, and everything for the event was on track to be successful. 6. Trash Off to be Held on March 10, 2018. • Jim Berman reminded the Parks Board that we would need all help we could get for this event and encouraged all Board Members to attend if possible. • Jackie Turner inquired about shirts for volunteers. Jim explained that it was not currently in the budget but if we have the volunteers like we had in 2017 (60+) he would have historical numbers to base increasing the budget to cover shirts for 2019. • Jennifer Shumate will be purchasing the gift cards for the prizes to be given out for the scavenger hunt. She will purchase four $5.00 cards and one $20.00 card. 7. Teen Easter Egg Hunt to be Held on March 30, 2018. • Jennifer Shumate reminded board that all board members would be encouraged to attend to assist with the hunt. She also advised the DJ was scheduled and that the egg count would be doubled from 1,000 eggs in 2017 to 2,000 eggs in 2018. 8. Annual Easter Egg Hunt to be Held on March 31, 2018. • Jennifer Shumate again just advised that all board members encouraged to attend to help distribute eggs. 10,000 eggs will be hidden for this year’s hunt. 9. Keep Sanger Beautiful / Keep Texas Beautiful / Keep America Beautiful. • Ms. Turner advised that she is still in the process of finishing up all the reporting for the year for both Keep Texas Beautiful and Keep America Beautiful. • Part of the process of staying in good standing with both affiliates is attending seminars or webinars every year. Jackie attended a webinar on the 8th for Keep Texas Beautiful and will be attending a webinar on the 20th for Keep America Beautiful. • Jackie is looking for updated and new ideas as we get closer to our annual Trash Off event. • Lastly, Ms. Turner advised the board that the next report for the Dr. Pepper Snapple Grant for the Recycling Bins was due in March of 2018 and that she has been working with Jim Berman on the report. 10. Open Discussion of Future Projects. • Jim Berman advised that the shade structures for Porter and Railroad are still in the works and that we should see construction begin soon. 11. Future Agenda Items. • Follow Up to the Mother Son Dance for Valentine’s Day to be held on February 17, 2018. • Trash Off to be held on March 10, 2018. • Teen Easter Egg Hunt to be held on March 30, 2018. • Annual Easter Egg Hunt to be held on March 31, 2018. 12. Meeting Adjourned.