01/09/2018-Parks Rec-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: Parks and Recreation Board January 9, 2018 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jackie Turner, Josh Shumate, Kelsey Stuart, and Carrie Bilyeu MEMBERS ABSENT: Jason Collett OTHERS PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Director James Berman and Recreation Coordinator Jennifer Shumate 1. Meeting called to order. 2. Pledge. 3. Citizen’s Input. • No citizens in attendance. 4. Consider minutes of the meeting of June 13, 2017. • Minutes approved unanimously after a motion to approve by Carrie Bilyeu and a second by Jackie Turner. 5. General Update on Parks and Recreation. • An update was given by Director Berman that included updates on Christmas and Christmas Decorations, Flags, mowing updates, facility maintenance updates, and moving forward with the shade structures. 6. Keep Sanger Beautiful / Keep Texas Beautiful / Keep America Beautiful. • Ms. Turner advised that she is in the process of getting all of our reporting done to keep us in good standing. She also updated that all reports must be done in a portal online now so she is having to go back and re- report on some items. • The first report has been completed and submitted for the recycling grant that we were awarded in May of 2017. • Jackie is looking for updated and new ideas as we get closer to our annual Trash Off event. 7. Open Discussion of Future Projects. • Railroad Ballpark field update was given by Mr. Berman. • It was discussed that the Joint Meeting with 4B, Parks and Recreation, and City Council to attend the Parks Tour will be held in the Spring when the weather and light are in our favor. 8. Future Agenda Items. • Mother Son Dance for Valentine’s Day to be held on February 17, 2018. • Trash Off to be held on March 10, 2018. • Teen Easter Egg Hunt to be held on March 30, 2018. • Annual Easter Egg Hunt to be held on March 31, 2018. 9. Meeting Adjourned.