03/14/2017-Parks Rec-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: Parks and Recreation Board March 14, 2017 MEMBERS PRESENT: Eddie Piercy, Jackie Turner, Alicia Metcalf, Jason Collett and Josh Shumate MEMBERS ABSENT: Carrie Bilyeu and James Fox OTHERS PRESENT: Parks Director Jim Berman and Recreation Coordinator Jennifer Shumate 1. Meeting called to order. 2. Pledge. • No pledge because flags are currently being replaced. 3. Citizen’s Input. • No citizens in attendance. 4. Consider minutes of the meeting of November 8, 2016. • Minutes approved unanimously after a motion to approve by Eddie Piercy and a second by Alicia Metcalf. 5. Follow Up on Christmas Parade Held on December 10, 2016. • The Christmas Parade was a great event with a large turnout to watch and a large turnout of floats. • Jim Berman suggested that both sides of Bolivar be shut down in the future to allow room for crowds. 6. Follow Up on Trash Off Scheduled for March 11, 2017. • Numbers for the Trash Off: o 10 Progressive Roll Offs were filled (some over flowing) o Two (2) Additional Roll Offs were filled with steel / metal only o 167 Trucks/Trailers brought trash o 97 bags of trash were picked up by volunteers o 67 volunteers worked the trash off cleaning up town (this number does not include Parks Staff or the Parks Board) 7. Presentation of New Parks and Recreation Department Logo. • Board voted on the new parks logo with the bigger tree coverage area. Vote was unanimous. 8. Presentation of 2017 Events Calendar. • 2017 Events Calendar was discussed with each event being discussed in brief detail. 9. Keep Sanger Beautiful / Keep Texas Beautiful / Keep America Beautiful. • Jackie Turner gave brief update on reports she has turned in, the free items received for the trash off, and had the idea of incorporating some waste clean-up classes in our next crafting event. 10. Open Discussion of Future Projects. • Jim Berman will be running the Parks Department with a staff of five (5) including himself. No additional employees or temps will be added. Most mowing for the City of Sanger has been contracted out to allow for the department to run on a smaller staff. 11. Future Agenda Items. • Easter Egg Hunts on April 14 and April 15, 2017. • Coffee Run to be held on April 29, 2017. • Fishing Derby to be held on May 20, 2017. 12. Meeting Adjourned.