04/08/2014-Parks Rec-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: Parks and Recreation Board April 8, 2014 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jackie Pevehouse, Tom Swartz, Carrie Bilyeu, Lee Allison, Josh Shumate, Terry Stogsdill MEMBERS ABSENT: LeeAnn Barnes OTHERS PRESENT: Director of Parks and Recreation Brian Crenwelge, Administrative Assistant Jennifer Shumate 1. Meeting called to order. 2. Pledge. 3. Citizen’s Input.  No citizens chose to speak. 4. Consider minutes of the meeting of March 18, 2014.  Minutes approved unanimously after a motion to approve by Josh Shumate and a second by Carrie Bilyeu. 5. Splash Park Update.  Update given to Parks Board that all is on schedule for the Splash Park and they hope to open Mid-June. 6. Update on Fishing Derby Held on March 22, 2014.  It was a very good success. We had 20 children participate and had over 50 people in attendance with parents involved.  A future suggestion is to limit the timeframe to two (2) hours to help keep the younger children’s interest.  Another future suggestion is in three (3) years when this derby is held to keep the fish to assist in removing some of the fish from the pond.  Parks board would like to have one in August/Fall. 7. Update on the Pitch, Hit, and Run Scheduled for April 5, 2014.  Participation was lower this year versus last year.  Suggestions made on how to better involve local leagues to hopefully improve attendance. 8. Easter Egg Hunt Scheduled for April 19, 2014.  Brooke Rudder, daughter of Josh Shumate will be the Easter Bunny.  Everything has been purchased and the eggs have been stuffed.  Requesting that everyone be there at 9:00am to decorate and hide eggs. 9. July 4th Parade.  Board made unanimous decision to not have parade this year. 10. Open Discussion of Future Projects.  Large softball tournament that is being held on April 26-27, 2014.  National softball tournament that is being held in July.  Parks Tour to be held again in September/October.  Fall Fishing Derby to be held in August/September. 11. Future Agenda Items.  Splash Park Update  Fishing Derby – March 22, 2014  Pitch, Hit, and Run – April 5, 2014  Easter – April 19, 2014  July 4th Parade 12. Meeting Adjourned.