04/09/2013-Parks Rec-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: Parks and Recreation Board April 9, 2013 MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom Swartz, Lee Allison, Josh Shumate, Jackie Pevehouse MEMBERS ABSENT: Carrie Bilyeu, Tricia Nelson-Sprabeary, Mendy Echols OTHERS PRESENT: Director of Parks and Recreation Brian Crenwelge, City Manager, Mike Brice, Parks and Recreation Secretary Jennifer Shumate 1. Meeting called to order at 7:02pm. 2. Pledge 3. Consider minutes of the meeting of March 19, 2013. Minutes approved unanimously after a motion to approve by Tom Swartz and a second by Lee Allison. 4. Citizen Input. No citizens in attendance. 5. Follow up on Easter Egg Hunt Brian Crenwelge updated the Board with the following:  Event was very smooth and successful  90% of the eggs were returned for reuse next year  For the 2014 event a PA System will be needed for better instruction  Number of eggs need to be increased in the 5-8 year old area and decreased in the 0-2 age group  Stagger the age group starting times?  Possibly bring in bounce houses, coffee, concession stand for next year as well as possibly have games such as egg toss or races? 6. Discuss Future Park Conceptual Plan  Mike Brice lead a brief discussion concerning and clearing up some confusion regarding the land East of I35 as well as some of the other future park plans 7. Discuss and Review Park Ordinance and Fee Schedule Development  The Board offered no suggestions or changes  Brian Crenwelge included a Special Even permit and asked the board to review and bring suggestions to next meeting  Parks Department will draw up a final format and present to the board for final review 8. MLB Hit, Pitch, and Run  All supplies in procession and ready to go  There will be a meeting on April 20, 2013 at 7:00pm to prepare volunteers for event 9. Walk Across Texas  This event has been advertised in the newspaper, website, all social media, and a stuffer was sent out in all electric bills  Free to the public  A new park sign marking trail distance will be posted up at Porter Park to assist walkers  Walk Across Texas will be offered to Citizens again in the fall 10. Trash Off  May 18, 2013 from 9am – 1pm  In 2012 Crepe Myrtles were sold as a fund raiser, however, flowers may not be sold in 2013 due to the late date of the event  All volunteers were fed (hot dogs) and T-shirts were given out  Trash bags were donated (donator unknown) for the event in 2012  Trailers were here from Goodwill, EISE, Fulton’s  A board member to get with O’Reily’s for oil and battery disposal  The question was posed if we could take tires? Mr. Brice does not feel in the past that we have been able to.  Brian Crenwelge advised that his staff would be available that day to assist. 11. Future Agenda Items  July 4th Parade  Trash Off  Photo Contest  Park Ordinances and Fee Schedules  Follow Ups 12. Meeting Adjourned