08/13/2013-Parks Rec-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: Parks and Recreation Board August 13, 2013 MEMBERS PRESENT: Carrie Bilyeu, Lee Allison, Josh Shumate, Jackie Pevehouse, Tom Swartz, Terry Stogsdill, LeeAnn Galbreath Barnes MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Director of Parks and Recreation Brian Crenwelge, Parks and Recreation Secretary Jennifer Shumate 1. Meeting called to order at 7:02pm. 2. Pledge 3. Consider minutes of the meeting of July 9, 2013. Minutes approved unanimously after a motion to approve by Tom Swartz and a second by Terry Stogsdill. 4. Election of Officers. Tom Swartz was voted in unanimously as president with a motion from Josh Shumate and a second from Carrie Bilyeu. Josh Shumate voted in as vice president with a motion from Tom Swartz and a second by Terry Stogsdill. 5. Sanger Sellebration.  Board would like to have a booth again for 2013 and hand out flyers.  Parks and Recreation Department will also print off 2014 Calendars to distribute. A map of the parks will be printed on the back/top of the calendar.  Brian Crenwelge will provide the board with balloons with the City of Sanger logo and a helium tank to distribute.  Terry Stoggsdill will provide an awning to the board for their booth and the city will provide tables and chairs.  Tom Swartz, Carrie Bilyeu, and Jackie Pevehouse to work in the morning and LeeAnn Galbreath Barnes and Terry Stogsdill to work the afternoon. 6. Spooktacular Softball Tournament.  This will be an adult co-ed recreation tournament on October 12, 2013. There will be a minimum of eight teams and a maximum of 16.  Deadline to register is September 20, 2013 and cost is $280.00.  This will be an ASA tournament.  We will need the board members to assist in running the concession stands. We could offer up community service opportunities with the concession stands to the high school. 7. City of Sanger Parks Website.  Brian Crenwelge advised that the parks website has been updated with both pictures and text and advised all board members to go and view the website. 8. Switzer Park Splash Pad.  Brian Crenwelge has been meeting with the ADA Compliance Officers, Architects, and Surveyor’s for this property.  Tentative open date for the Splash Pad will be May 2014.  Pool will be demo’d as well as the lifeguard shack. Bathhouse will stay.  The trail around the park should be resurfaced and a few gazebos will be added as well.  The park will be free to citizens. 9. Yard of the Month.  The winner was located at Chukar.  Carrie will notify the paper of the winner.  Yard of the Month will be done again in September. 10. Well at North Entrance.  A well is being put in at the North Entrance to help in maintaining the North Entrance. 11. Open Meetings Act.  Just a reminder for any remaining board or new board members that this is a requirement. 12. Tentative Calendar for 2014.  Board Members given a calendar of tentative events for 2014.  Board members would like to look at a possible movie in the park or even a summer concert event. 13. Picture for Parks Board / Open Discussion of Future Projects.  Yes to the Board Members pictures being put on the website. 14. Future Agenda Items.  Christmas Parade  Parks Tour  Fall Art in the Park 15. Meeting Adjourned at 7:49pm.