12/10/2013-Parks Rec-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: Parks and Recreation Board December 10, 2013 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jackie Pevehouse, Tom Swartz, LeeAnn Galbreath Barnes, Terry Stogsdill, Josh Shumate, Carrie Bilyeu MEMBERS ABSENT: Lee Allison OTHERS PRESENT: Director of Parks and Recreation Brian Crenwelge, Parks and Recreation Secretary Jennifer Shumate 1. Meeting called to order. 2. Pledge. 3. Citizen’s Input.  No citizens 4. Consider minutes of the meeting of November 12, 2013.  Minutes approved unanimously after a motion to approve by Josh Shumate and a second by Terry Stogsdill. 5. Sanger Christmas Parade.  The parade will be on December 14, 2013 at 6:30pm.  Police Car will lead with the remaining floats being distributed as needed (horses away from fire trucks and band, etc).  Butterfield Elementary School has agreed to have a choir in the parade – they will be singing near the Gazebo downtown.  Line Up is at Stephen Baker Football Field.  Parade will begin at 6:30pm with Invocation and Welcome/Tree Lighting to begin at 6:10pm.  Lineup will begin at 5:20pm. The parade will leave the staging point at 6:20pm to arrive at downtown at 6:30pm.  Parks Board members will arrive at the downtown park at 5:00pm.  Parks Department will also provide maps for all the floats and a list of floats that are signed up as of the parade date.  The Parks Department will provide a Gator for the Board Members stationed at Line Up to use. 6. Christmas Light Decorating Contest.  Jackie Pevehouse and Carrie Bilyeu will meet the week of December 15th to determine the winners. There will be two winners – one of the east side of the highway and one on on the west.  Ms. Bilyeu and Ms. Pevehouse will send the pictures to the Parks Department for placement in the local paper.  Signs were provided by the Parks Department to place in the yards of the winners. 7. Project Graduation Rain Deer Romp 5K Run Scheduled for December 21, 2013.  Sponsored by Project Graduation and the event is from 10am – 12noon.  The City has very limited involvement. This is more of an FYI. 8. Splash Park Update.  No current update. Meeting was moved due to weather. 9. Sanger Parks & Recreation Department Logo.  Three colors only.  Once submitted the Logo will become the Property of the City of Sanger, Parks Department.  Logo is due at the 1st of February.  Parks Department will determine the winner.  Reward will be a presentation at a City Council meeting – with a plaque presentation and of course the photo will be placed in the paper.  The Middle School art teacher is very interested in his students participating.  Tom Swartz will contact the High School art teacher. 10. Open Discussion of Future Projects.  Restrooms at Rail Road Baseball Fields are almost completely painted. Once this project is completed (weather related delays) the concession stand will be painted as well. 11. Future Agenda Items.  Christmas Parade  Sanger Parks & Recreation Department Logo  Trash Off  Splash Park Update 12. Meeting Adjourned.