12/08/2015-Parks Rec-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: Parks and Recreation Board December 8, 2015 MEMBERS PRESENT: Eddie Piercy, Jackie Pevehouse, Carrie Bilyeu, Josh Shumate, Alicia Metcalf, Jason Collett MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Parks Superintendent Jim Berman and Administrative Assistant Jennifer Shumate 1. Meeting called to order at 7:00pm. 2. Pledge. 3. Citizen’s Input.  No citizens in attendance. 4. Consider minutes of the meeting of November 10, 2015.  Minutes approved unanimously after a motion to approve by Eddie Piercy and a second by Jackie Pevehouse. 5. Christmas Parade to be Held on December 12, 2015.  Parks Board will need to be onsite at 5:00pm (if possible).  Location of different parade floats discussed.  Parade will be called due to weather by 3:00pm (in case of rain).  We are having a lot of excitement from the downtown businesses and they will be getting involved.  The Parks Department will be running the train this year.  Tree Lighting will take place at 6:15pm with parade leaving starting location at 6:20pm to hit down town close to 6:30pm. 6. Christmas Light Decorating Contest.  Houses will be judged by the parks board on December 16, 2015 at 6:00pm. Carrie Bilyeu will send Jennifer Shumate the results. 7. Open Discussion of Future Projects.  Trash Off being held in March. Board would like to see tshirts, maps of the city, and heavy advertising. It was said that we will put all of this on the next meeting’s agenda.  No meeting in January. 8. Future Agenda Items. 9. Meeting Adjourned.