02/10/2015-Parks Rec-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: Parks and Recreation Board February 10, 2015 MEMBERS PRESENT: Lee Allison, Eddie Piercy, Carrie Bilyeu, Joshua Shumate, Jackie Pevehouse MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Superintendent of Parks and Recreation Jim Berman, Administrative Assistant Jennifer Shumate 1. Meeting called to order. 2. Pledge. 3. Citizen’s Input.  No citizens in attendance to speak. 4. Consider minutes of the meeting of December 9, 2014.  Minutes approved unanimously after a motion to approve by Eddie Piercy and a second by Carrie Bilyeu. 5. Christmas Parade Follow Up.  More traffic control would be helpful. Several options were discussed and staff will look into feasible options for 2015.  Carrie Bilyeu would like to strongly suggest that all floats be lit – all others agreed.  Jim Berman briefly discussed the idea of a “VIP” or Volunteer in Parks program he would like to put in place that would allow citizens to volunteer in several different events throughout the year and the parade would be included. This would be more “staff” available at the parade.  More involvement from downtown businesses (like the train, cookie decorating, reindeer). Parks Board would like to invite the Downtown Association to a meeting to work more in conjunction with one another in early October of 2015.  Better quality decorations for Santa in the downtown area. 6. Trash Off to be Held on March 14, 2015.  Trash Off will be held the second Saturday of March or March 14, 2015 from 8am to 12noon at Rail Road Ball Fields.  Board agrees that no hot dogs will be needed this year.  One banner was ordered to advertise event.  City Wide garage sale will be held the Saturday before the Trash Off.  Trash off will be in the paper after this meeting. 7. Easter Egg Hunt to be Held on April 4, 2015.  Board is available – will meet at Porter at 7:30am.  Brooke Rudder will once again be Easter Bunny.  Parks Department will stuff eggs on bad weather days (same as 2014).  Egg Hunt will begin at 9am. 8. Pitch, Hit, and Run to be Held on April 11, 2015.  Same format will be used as 2013 and 2014.  Registration will open at 8am and event starts promptly at 9am.  Both Softball and Baseball Boards have printed material regarding this event.  Stressed to the Board that as many volunteers as we can get are needed to run events – ideally each field has 3-5 people running it. Carrie Bilyeu suggested getting Baseball and Softball coaches to assist.  No concession will be open by the board. We will give Softball the option to have concessions this year and baseball will be given the option in 2016. 9. Discuss Moving April Meeting to First Monday in April.  Board agreed to move meeting to the First Monday in April or April 7, 2015 at 7pm. 10. Open Discussion of Future Projects.  Volunteer in Parks or VIP Program.  The possibility of covering the dugouts at the softball and baseball fields. 11. Future Agenda Items.  Fishing Derby in May of 2015. 12. Meeting Adjourned.