02/11/2014-Parks Rec-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: Parks and Recreation Board February 11, 2014 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jackie Pevehouse, Tom Swartz, Carrie Bilyeu, Lee Allison, Josh Shumate MEMBERS ABSENT: LeeAnn Galbreath Barnes, Terry Stogsdill OTHERS PRESENT: Director of Parks and Recreation Brian Crenwelge, Administrative Assistant Jennifer Shumate 1. Meeting called to order. 2. Pledge. 3. Citizen’s Input.  No citizens 4. Consider minutes of the meeting of January 14, 2014.  Minutes approved unanimously after a motion to approve by Josh Shumate and a second by Jackie Pevehouse. 5. League Banners.  The Baseball Association would like to put up league banners on dug outs during game only – team sponsorship banners only. They would be removed after every game.  Brian Crenwelge and Mike Brice (City Manager) are both in approval of banners being hung on dug outs during games only.  Parks Board is in unanimous approval of banners being allowed. 6. Splash Park Update.  CMR was selected at the previous City Council Meeting. A meeting with this group is scheduled for later in the week to finalize plans and contract.  All equipment has been cleaned out of pump rooms and those are ready for demo.  4th of July is still the target goal date to open.  Bath house renovations will be handled by the Parks Department. 7. Sanger Parks & Recreation Department Logo.  Parks Board Members were given the top four logo’s that were chosen by the Parks Department to score.  Parks Board members unanimously chose a logo with a score of 19 points. 8. 2014 Trash Off Scheduled for March 1, 2014.  All parties have been contacted. Progressive is aware of the date and ready to deliver the bins. Salvation Army and Fulton’s have also been contacted.  Progressive donated $200.00 to the event.  Signs have been ordered to help direct traffic for the event.  Reminder to the Board of the new location at Railroad Baseball Park.  Board Members to arrive at 8am. 9. Fishing Derby Scheduled for March 22, 2014.  Brian is having difficulty obtaining sponsors for door prizes so the Park’s Department will just purchase the door prizes.  Event will run 8am – 12noon. Registration begins at 8am, fishing ends at 11am, with trophies at noon. A PO was started today for the trophies.  We will not be supplying the fishing equipment.  Free event to get people into the park. 10. Master Plan Five Year Update.  Master Plan was emailed to all Board Members. Brian Crenwelge is asking all members to review the plan that was emailed and bring any suggestions, comments, changes to the Parks Director prior to the next meeting and it will all be discussed and finalized at the next meeting. 11. Open Discussion of Future Projects.  None 12. Future Agenda Items.  Fishing Derby – March 22, 2014  Pitch, Hit, and Run – April 5, 2014  Easter – April 19, 2014 13. Meeting Adjourned.