02/12/2013-Parks Rec-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: Parks and Recreation Board February 12, 2013 MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom Swartz, Carrie, Bilyeu, Josh Shumate, Mendy Echols MEMBERS ABSENT: Lee Allison OTHERS PRESENT: Director of Parks and Recreation Brian Crenwelge, Parks and Recreation Secretary Jennifer Shumate, Vice President of Sanger Summer League Teresa Heimdal 1. Meeting called to order at 7:03pm. 2. Consider minutes of the meeting of November 26, 2012. Minutes approved unanimously after a motion to approve by Tom Swartz and a second by Carrie Bilyeu. 3. Citizen Input. Vice President of Sanger Summer League Teresa Heimdal voiced the following concerns:  Total amount of money in the banner account  What is needed precisely to get things purchased from this account – hoping to purchase some chalkers from the aforementioned banner account  Sanger Summer League has concerns with other teams “hoping the fence” and using the fields that they are currently paying for – what if anything can be done to stop  Questioned why they must pay to rent the fields when the City will have the authority to rent out the fields around the Sanger Summer League’s pre-determined schedule  Sanger Summer League was asked for a deposit for scoreboards. They stated that a deposit was paid for 2012 and not refunded 4. City Wide Easter Egg Discussion  Easter is on March 31, 2013 so the Egg Hunt will be held on March 30, 2013 (Saturday Before) Tom Swartz made a motion to set the date at March 30, 2013 with a second from Josh Shumate. Motion passed unanimously.  2,000 Eggs were used in 2012. The Parks Board stated that there were some concerns after the 2012 event about children not getting eggs and not having enough eggs for all the children. Mendy Echols requested 6,000 eggs to make sure that there were eggs for every child. Brian Crenwelge has quotes for different quantities of eggs and has agreed to purchase 6,000 eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt.  Mendy Echols is able to get $250.00 once again from WalMart.  The City will purchase a new rabbit suit to be used for pictures (to be taken by parents at the Easter Egg Hunt)  Age Groups – 0-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12 – Suggestion of adding an age group between the 0-2 age group that allows parents to help new walkers.  Egg hunting locations need to be better separated.  Tables needed? Chairs needed? Brian will have tables out for check -in and egg return as well as an information table and chairs. A chair will also be provided for pictures with the Easter Bunny.  Egg hunting locations will be labeled with age groups.  Parks Department will offer some help with manpower. 5. Discuss Future Projects and Events for Calendar Year 2013.  Mission Statement was voted in as written with a first by Tom Swartz and a second by Carrie Bilyeu and agreed to unanimously.  Brian Crenwelge suggested adopting a park ordinance for our parks for numerous reasons. The parks board requested to be sent ordinances from near cities i.e.: Prosper, Celina, Lake Dallas, and Denton. Brian has agreed to locate the ordinances and fee schedules and will send to the Parks Board prior to the next meeting.  Sanger Open Jam  Memorial Tree Program  Adopt the Park – First Baptist Church of Sanger has already shown an interest in this program.  Carrie Bilyeu would like to look into a Friends of the Park program in the future. 6. No Future Agenda Items 7. Meeting Adjourned.