01/14/2014-Parks Rec-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: Parks and Recreation Board January 14, 2014 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jackie Pevehouse, Tom Swartz, Carrie Bilyeu, Lee Allison MEMBERS ABSENT: LeeAnn Galbreath Barnes, Josh Shumate, Terry Stogsdill OTHERS PRESENT: Director of Parks and Recreation Brian Crenwelge 1. Meeting called to order. 2. Pledge. 3. Citizen’s Input.  No citizens 4. Consider minutes of the meeting of December 10, 2013.  Minutes approved unanimously after a motion to approve by Carrie Bilyeu and a second by Jackie Pevehouse. 5. Sanger Christmas Parade Follow Up.  Brian Crenwelge would like to see more lights on the floats. We can put an emphasis on this for 2014.  The parade route also needs to be understood better.  Carrie Bilyeu had a concern regarding traffic immediately before the parade and parking along Bolivar. Brian stated that the streets department had just worked the ice storm the weekend prior to so we were controlling traffic with limited personnel.  Lee Allison stated that the Whitworth train is currently for sale. Brian Crenwelge has spoken with Mr. Whitworth regarding the train.  For future parades the choirs need to sing on the square rather than walking in the parade. The children (Butterfield) had a difficult time keeping up.  There was a large number of parade floats this year.  The Board would like to better decorate the location where pictures are taken with Santa for the families.  Tom Swartz questioned if it would be better to drop Santa Claus off when he passes the park rather than finishing the actual parade route. 6. Splash Park Update.  The RFP has been issued and is due on January 21, 2014 at 2pm.  Construction Completion time will be six months once contractor has been determined.  Brian Crenwelge is optimistic (but no guarantee) for a July 4th opening. 7. Sanger Parks & Recreation Department Logo.  No word has been received from any schools regarding the logo. 8. 2014 Trash Off Scheduled for March 1, 2014.  All parties have been contacted. Progressive is aware of the date and ready to deliver the bins. Salvation Army, etc. has also been contacted.  Reminder to the Board of the new location at Railroad Baseball Park. 9. Open Discussion of Future Projects.  None 10. Future Agenda Items.  Fishing Derby – March 22, 2014  Pitch, Hit, and Run – April 5, 2014  Easter – April 19, 2014 11. Meeting Adjourned.