07/09/2013-Parks Rec-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: Parks and Recreation Board July 9, 2013 MEMBERS PRESENT: Carrie Bilyeu, Lee Allison, Josh Shumate, Jackie Pevehouse, Tom Swartz, Terry Stogsdill MEMBERS ABSENT: LeeAnn Galbreath Barnes OTHERS PRESENT: Director of Parks and Recreation Brian Crenwelge, Parks and Recreation Secretary Jennifer Shumate 1. Meeting called to order at 7:00pm. 2. Pledge 3. Consider minutes of the meeting of May 14, 2013. Minutes approved unanimously after a motion to approve by Tom Swartz and a second by Carrie Bilyeu. 4. Citizen Input. No citizens in attendance. 5. Follow up on July 4th Parade.  15 entries (not including city staff)  Attendance was lower than past years – perhaps a discussion needs to be made if we need to have a parade and continue to try and compete with Denton, Pilot Point, etc. 6. Follow up on Trash Off.  Very well attended.  Brian Crenwelge would like to move the trash off to Railroad Ballpark for not only ease of traffic but also to refrain from closing streets in front of businesses.  He is also looking at moving the trash off to the first/second week of March for 2014 as to not interfere with any baseball / softball events.  Jackie Pevehouse reminded the board that the event is also designed to pick up trash around town and would like to preplan for 2014 to have citizens cleaning up around town.  Lastly, a possible name change is in order for the trash off. 7. Follow up on Photo Contest.  The response was not great as anticipated with only five photos being submitted. However, it is a good start to an annual contest that will grow.  Board unanimously voted for the color Easter Egg hunt photo submitted by T.D. 8. Follow up on Park Ordinance and Fee Schedule.  Board was notified that City Council passed the Park Ordinance and Fee Schedule and if copies are requested we can provide. 9. Follow up on Open Meetings Act Training.  Advised board that this is a requirement. Terry Stogsdill (newest member) was asked to obtain before next meeting. 10. Yard of the Month.  Keep Sanger Beautiful has awarded a Yard of the Month in past years for the months of June, July, and August. No criteria was required in the past. And there was a Sanger East and a Sanger West (divided by the highway).  Carrie Bilyeu will continue to award Yard of the Month and it will be awarded for August and September 2013.  The Parks and Recreation Department will issue a press release announcing Yard of the Month for August and September. 11. Future Agenda Items.  Elect Officers.  Sanger Sellabration  2014 Calendar of Events  Website  Splash Pad  Well at North Entrance  Broad Picture for Parks Board  Open Discussion Items 12. Meeting Adjourned