06/10/2014-Parks Rec-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: Parks and Recreation Board June 10, 2014 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jackie Pevehouse, Tom Swartz, Carrie Bilyeu, LeeAnn Barnes MEMBERS ABSENT: Joshua Shumate, Terry Stogsdill, Lee Allison OTHERS PRESENT: Superintendent of Parks and Recreation Jim Berman, Administrative Assistant Jennifer Shumate 1. Meeting called to order. 2. Pledge. 3. Citizen’s Input.  No citizens in attendance to speak. 4. Consider minutes of the meeting of April 8, 2014.  Minutes approved unanimously after a motion to approve by Carrie Bilyeu and a second by Jackie Pevehouse. 5. Splash Park Update.  Pad was poured today, June 10, 2014 and splash toys will be added tomorrow, June 11, 2014.  Update given to Parks Board that all is on schedule for the Splash Park and they hope to open July 4, 2014. 6. Update on Fishing Easter Egg Hunt That was Held on April 19, 2014.  Another successful event – all members would like to keep the event the same as this year.  Board asked if Parks Department could begin stuffing eggs on poor weather days prior to event again. 7. Switzer Splash Park Grand Opening Event – July.  Calling a ribbon cutting.  Schedule for July 19, 2014. And while this is after the actual opening it gives us an opportun ity to make sure all is open and useable prior to ribbon cutting.  We will have hot dogs, chips, and water.  Event will be 11am-1pm. 8. Open Forum Discussion Between Parks Board and Parks Superintendent.  First event Jim Berman would like to see is a “Scarecrow” Event. Event will be discussed at a future meeting.  Fall fishing derby also discussed.  The board would like to possibly work with the Downtown Association on some future downtown events.  Trash off and ideas for 2015. 9. Open Discussion of Future Projects.  Fall fishing derby.  Sanger Sellabration. 10. Future Agenda Items.  Splash Park Update  Fall Fishing Derby  Sanger Sellabration 11. Meeting Adjourned.