03/19/2013-Parks Rec-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: Parks and Recreation Board March 19, 2013 MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom Swartz, Lee Allison, Josh Shumate, Mendy Echols, Jackie Pevehouse MEMBERS ABSENT: Carrie Bilyeu, Tricia Nelson-Sprabeary OTHERS PRESENT: Director of Parks and Recreation Brian Crenwelge, Parks and Recreation Secretary Jennifer Shumate 1. Meeting called to order at 6:07pm. 2. Pledge 3. Consider minutes of the meeting of February 12, 2013. Minutes approved unanimously after a motion to approve by Josh Shumate and a second by Mendy Echols. 4. Citizen Input. No citizens in attendance. 5. City Wide Easter Egg Discussion Brian Crenwelge updated the Board with the following:  Eggs will be ready week of March 25, 2013  Press releases have been in both the local newspaper as well as the City website, Easter Egg Hunt flyer has also been in the paper  Donations have been made for prizes from both Sonic and McDonalds  Cobblestone Child Care Center is bringing live rabbits for the children to pet and take pictures with  T&T Flowers will be donating an arrangement for Easter Bunny Pictures  Steve Robinson to take some photos  There will be a Jelly Bean counting contest with the winner to be announced after the event and the prize is the jar of Jelly Beans  Different age groups will be separated at different locations – not just side by side as in past years  A new rabbit suit has been purchased – we are still looking to find a volunteer to be the rabbit  City of Sanger employees will arrive at 6:30am to begin setting up – Board is welcome at anytime 6. Discuss the Adopt-A-Park and Memorial Tree programs  Board has no recommendations for changes – ok with flyers as is 7. Response to Citizen Request on Banner Account Balance and League Deposits  Two chalkers have been purchased and are at Railroad Ball Fields  $2,825.00 in the banner account to start and after chalker purchase banner balance is $2,347.00  Signs have been posted restricting use of the fields stating field use permit required  Deposit concerns stand at the City needing a copy of the cancelled check from each league in order to issue a refund on deposit for the scoreboards 8. Discuss and Review Park Ordinance and Fee Schedule Development  Ordinance created has been compiled from different ordinances from all over the state – it is very comprehensive  Some of the ordinances may not seem necessary but there importance can show up in the future (ex: remote controlled airplanes)  Fees cannot be waived without City Council approval  Lee Allison pointed out 5.14 stating that noise perhaps should not be determined by any city employee and rather have a specific entity that is allowed to determine noise disturbance  Board Members asked to take ordinances and fee schedule home and very carefully review and bring notes to the next meeting 9. Future Parks Conceptual Plan  Plan Presented by Brian Crenwelge 10. MLB Hit, Pitch, and Run  Supplies being sent by MLB and are expected any day  Children will be asked to pre-register to help avoid a long line on event day  Free to the public  Parks and Recreation Department would like to run a concession stand on the event day  Josh Shumate would like to run a field with other coaches from a local team  Lee Allison to also volunteer 11. Future Agenda Items  July 4th Parade (add to agenda starting May/June)  Sanger Trash Off  MLB Hit, Pitch, and Run 12. Meeting Adjourned