11/10/2015-Parks Rec-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: Parks and Recreation Board November 10, 2015 MEMBERS PRESENT: Eddie Piercy, Jackie Pevehouse, Carrie Bilyeu, Lee Allison MEMBERS ABSENT: Josh Shumate OTHERS PRESENT: Parks Superintendent Jim Berman and Administrative Assistant Jennifer Shumate 1. Meeting called to order at 7:00pm. 2. Pledge. 3. Citizen’s Input.  No citizens in attendance. 4. Consider minutes of the meeting of October 20, 2015.  Minutes approved unanimously after a motion to approve by Eddie Piercy and a second by Carrie Bilyeu. 5. Christmas Parade to be Held on December 12, 2015.  Parks Board was presented a copy of all press materials.  Tree Lighting will take place at 6:15pm with parade leaving starting location at 6:20pm to hit down town close to 6:30pm.  Jim Berman has already met with the Band Director for the High School to confirm times as well as Downtown Businesses to get a presence from them (at least six (6) have committed to be opened and doing some sort of activity).  The art gallery will be painting the wall for Santa Claus’s backdrop.  Carrie and Jackie will be in charge of decorations for the gazebo and where Santa sits.  Whitworth will be again providing the train rides for the kids. As well as the horse and carriage for downtown rides.  Lee Allison has met with Grace Bible Church and they will again have hot chocolate and this year hot dogs.  A Preacher (Grant Bowls) has already been obtained for the opening prayer and First Baptist will be on the square singing carols.  Santa Claus will be on the fire truck again this year (Santa Claus still needs to be obtained).  Parks Department has vests for volunteers to wear for safety. 6. Christmas Light Decorating Contest.  Carrie and Jackie will once again determine the winners with all of the Parks Board invited.  There is no deadline to announce the winners.  Carrie will email the winners and addresses to Jennifer Shumate to be placed in the paper. 7. 2016 Event Calendar.  Board was presented tentative 2016 Event Calendar.  Eddie Piercy would like to see a car show downtown and Carrie Bilyeu would like to see a 5K in October. Jim Berman asked them both to look at dates and let us know their proposal.  Jackie Pevehouse would like to consider adding the National Recycling Day to the calendar. 8. Parks CIP.  The Porter Fountain has been installed. Berman advised that it will be lit soon.  Short discussion of Porter Walking Trail Extension. 9. Open Discussion of Future Projects. 10. Future Agenda Items. 11. Meeting Adjourned.