11/12/2013-Parks Rec-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: Parks and Recreation Board
November 12, 2013
PRESENT: Lee Allison, Jackie Pevehouse, Tom Swartz, LeeAnn Galbreath Barnes
ABSENT: Terry Stogsdill, Josh Shumate, Carrie Bilyeu
PRESENT: Director of Parks and Recreation Brian Crenwelge, Parks and Recreation Secretary Jennifer
1. Meeting called to order.
2. Pledge.
3. Citizen’s Input.
We had many young citizens from Butterfield Elementary thanking the Parks Board for the use
of Sanger Sports Park for their Poetry in the Park Event. They also committed on how much
they enjoy the park.
4. Consider minutes of the meeting of October 8, 2013.
Minutes approved unanimously after a motion to approve by Lee Allison and a second by
LeeAnn Galbreath Barnes.
5. Sanger Christmas Parade.
The parade will be on December 14, 2013 at 6:30pm.
Jonathan Whitworth has committed to bring his train for the children to ride.
Grace Bible has committed to donate hot chocolate.
The Board has had no response from choirs.
Tom Swartz has gotten permission to use the Stephen Baker parking lot.
Brian Crenwelge has asked WalMart about the truck to participate in the parade. The
transportation manager will be getting back with him.
Parks Board will find a Santa Claus.
Parade will begin at 6:30pm with Invocation and Welcome/Tree Lighting to begin at 6:10pm.
Brian Crenwelge will draw out the parade route to hand out to the floats on the night of the
The Parks Department will again get Candy Canes for Santa Claus to hand out to the children.
Lineup will begin at 5:20pm. The parade will leave the staging point at 6:20pm to arrive at
downtown at 6:30pm.
Parks Board members will arrive at the downtown park at 5:00pm.
6. October Fall Art in the Park.
We had 10 children participate and all that were there enjoyed themselves.
We have begun a mailing list so that when we have this program again in the spring we will
contact these kids again.
Jackie Pevehouse said that she saw many pictures from the parents on Facebook.
7. Well at North Entrance.
8. Adopt-A-Park Program.
There is a new volunteer that works at Sanger Sports Park five hours a week picking up litter.
9. Sanger Parks & Recreation Department Logo.
Board suggested opening up the opportunity to the High School and Middle School to allow
them the opportunity to develop a logo. The Board can decide at a future meeting a prize option
for the winner.
10. Open Discussion of Future Projects.
Brian Crenwelge would like to offer a Spring Break program at the Community Center/Switzer
Park in the Spring of 2015 (park will not be completed by Spring of 2014).
The Parks Board would like to award a Christmas Light Decorating award to the best decorated
house in Sanger. There will be two winners with 5th Street being the divider and a house from
each side of town. Brian Crenwelge will order two signs to place in the yards. A date to judge
will be determined at the December meeting.
Brian Crenwelge would like to hold a fishing derby on March 22, 2014. More information will
be available at a future meeting.
11. Future Agenda Items.
Christmas Parade
Sanger Parks & Recreation Department Logo
Christmas Light Decorating Contest
Splash Park Update
12. Meeting Adjourned.