10/08/2013-Parks Rec-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: Parks and Recreation Board October 8, 2013 MEMBERS PRESENT: Carrie Bilyeu, Lee Allison, Josh Shumate, Jackie Pevehouse, Tom Swartz, LeeAnn Galbreath Barnes MEMBERS ABSENT: Terry Stogsdill OTHERS PRESENT: Director of Parks and Recreation Brian Crenwelge, Parks and Recreation Secretary Jennifer Shumate 1. Meeting called to order. 2. Pledge. 3. Citizen’s Input.  No citizen’s present for meeting. 4. Consider minutes of the meeting of September 10, 2013.  Minutes approved unanimously after a motion to approve by Josh Shumate and a second by Carrie Bilyeu. 5. Follow up on Sanger Sellebration.  A lot of balloons were handed out to citizens. However, the Parks Board would like something to help make them more visible. Such as posters or large park maps. Something to draw the citizens to our “booth” to help spread awareness.  The location under the gazebo was ok. Board felt it might have been a little remote from the rest of the Sellebration. 6. Update on Spooktacular Softball Tournament.  Spooktacular Softball Tournament did not make. We advertised in the local paper, website, facebook, etc. and we just had a lack of interest. So the tournament has been canceled at this time.  We will try to schedule another tournament in the spring. 7. Keep Sanger Beautiful Decorations of Downtown Park for fall.  The Parks Department currently has six (6) scarecrows.  The Parks Department will get a PO going and make the purchases for the decorating. The Board is unsure of what was purchased for 2012 but Parks Department will look for past PO to determine what to order. A mix of pumpkins, gourds, cornstalks, and hay should be the general list of items needed.  Parks Board will meet on October 20, 2013 at 3:30pm to decorate.  A motion was made by Carrie Bilyeu to allocate $500.00 to be spent on decorations for the downtown square. A second was made by Jackie Pevehouse. The motion carried unanimously. 8. Well at North Entrance.  The well is currently pumping 12 gallons a minute. Brian Crenwelge is pleased with this rate.  The Parks Department is getting bids in from licensed irrigators to irrigate the area.  The City came in under $2,000.00 on the well (actual verse bid).  All that is remaining is the well house out there. 9. October Fall Art in the Park.  General update – going very well. Good participation and the kids seem to be enjoying the program. 10. Sanger Christmas Parade.  The parade will be on December 14, 2013 at 6:30pm.  Jonathan Whitworth has committed to bring his train for the children to ride.  Grace Bible has committed to donate hot chocolate.  Tom Swartz will contact the local schools to see if they can perform prior to the Parade.  The Board asked that the Parks Department contact the Chamber to see who owns the “stage” trailer used at other events to determine cost associated.  LeeAnn will contact the local churches to see if they would like to participate in any form during the parade.  Brian Crenwelge will ask WalMart about the truck to participate in the parade.  Parks Board will find a Santa Claus.  Brian Crenwelge will complete the Street Closure form and Jennifer Shumate will complete the Float Entry Form (and submit to the paper first of November) and notify City Departments of Parade date.  Jennifer Shumate will put together an agenda for choirs.  Parade will begin at 6:30pm with Invocation and Welcome/Tree Lighting to begin at 6:10pm. 11. Board Member Photos.  Board Member photos were taken. 12. Open Discussion of Future Projects.  Brian Crenwelge discussed the groups currently signed up for our Adopt-A-Park program. 13. Future Agenda Items.  Christmas Parade  Fall Art in the Park 14. Meeting Adjourned.