09/10/2013-Parks Rec-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: Parks and Recreation Board September 10, 2013 MEMBERS PRESENT: Carrie Bilyeu, Lee Allison, Josh Shumate, Jackie Pevehouse, Tom Swartz (late to arrive), Terry Stogsdill, LeeAnn Galbreath Barnes MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Director of Parks and Recreation Brian Crenwelge, Parks and Recreation Secretary Jennifer Shumate 1. Meeting called to order at 6:02pm. 2. Pledge 3. Consider minutes of the meeting of August 13, 2013. Minutes approved unanimously after a motion to approve by Carrie Bilyeu and a second by Terry Stogsdill. 4. Parks Tour. The parks board was taken on a tour of all City Parks starting with Kammie Patten and ending with Duck Creek. There was a brief discussion at each park of work that has been done and future projects. 5. Sanger Sellebration.  All supplies (balloons, brochures, helium tank, etc) will be at the fire station for the board members to pick up and return. 6. Spooktacular Softball Tournament.  Just a reminder of the tournament scheduled for October.  Advised that no teams are currently signed up. 7. Keep Sanger Beautiful Decorations of Downtown Park for Fall.  Scarecrows will be located from the Parks Warehouse and Brian will look into the purchase of the hay and pumpkins to decorate. This will be further discussed in October which will be a little closer to the decorating date. 8. Yard of the Month.  September winner was located on Porter Place.  Jennifer Shumate of the Parks Department will submit into the paper. 9. Well at the North Entrance.  Update on the well progress. 10. October Fall Art in the Park.  Brief overview regarding the Art in the Park program being offered in October. 11. Sanger Christmas Parade.  Date will be set after hearing from Krum, TX on their parade date. (Found out after meeting that Krum Parade will be 12/7/13 and our parade will be 12/14/13.)  Board to get with area churches to ask about carolers.  Lee Allison to get with Whitworth about the train and also will get with churches regarding h ot chocolate. 12. Advertising Agreement.  Lee Allison made a motion to charge $1,250.00 for scoreboard signs and $500.00 for round fence signs. There was not a second.  Josh Shumate made a motion to not allow fence signs and to charge $2,000.00 for scoreboard signs. Tom Swartz made a second and motion was passed unanimously. 13. Brush Chipping Ordinance.  Brian Crenwelge gave an overview of the brush chipping ordinance that is to go before City Council. Parks Board was in agreement. 14. Board Member Photos.  Due to late timing Board Member Photos will be made in October. 15. Open Discussion of Future Projects.  None discussed. 16. Future Agenda Items.  Christmas Parade  Spooktacular Softball Tournament  Follow up on Sanger Sellebration.  Keep Sanger Beautiful Decoration of Downtown Park. 17. Meeting Adjourned.