09/08/2015-Parks Rec-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: Parks and Recreation Board September 8, 2015 MEMBERS PRESENT: Joshua Shumate, Eddie Piercy, Jackie Pevehouse, Lee Allison MEMBERS ABSENT: Carrie Bilyeu OTHERS PRESENT: Parks Superintendent Jim Berman and Administrative Assistant Jennifer Shumate 1. Meeting called to order at 7:05pm. 2. Pledge. 3. Citizen’s Input. No citizens in attendance. 4. Consider minutes of the meeting of August 18, 2015. Minutes approved unanimously after a motion to approve by Eddie Piercy and a second by Jackie Pevehouse. 5. Sanger Sellebration. Board members will man booth from 9am to 12noon. The board will have candy, balloons, fishing derby flyers, parks board appl ications, and registration forms for the derby. Pop Up banner will be brought to get attention to the booth. Lee Allison will also take fishing derby flyers to Grace Bible Church to hand out also. 6. Fishing Derby to be Held on October 24, 2015. Derby will be held during the hours of 2pm – 4pm. A donation from Walmart of Fishing Poles will be a huge help with door prices. Jackie Pevehouse will arrange for some volunteers from her programs with NCTC. The High School Fishing Team will also be helping at the Derby. 7. City of Sanger Clean Up. Jackie Pevehouse is concerned with trash build up on main streets through town. Jim Berman would like to see either the businesses volunteer to clean up the areas near the businesses they own OR an adopt the roadway program. Jim Berman has given the board authority to talk to businesses, arrange trash pick-up initiatives, and has reminded the board that they will have full Parks Department support. 8. Parks CIP. Swings are in the plan to go at Switzer Park where the old volleyball court used to be – these will be ordered in the new budget year. New walking path that will be placed on the East Side of Porter discussed. Along with a possible disc golf course. New Christmas decorations were bought for the downtown park. 9. Open Discussion of Future Projects. 10. Future Agenda Items. Fishing Derby. Christmas Parade. 11. Meeting Adjourned.