09/09/2014-Parks Rec-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: Parks and Recreation Board September 9, 2014 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jackie Pevehouse, Joshua Shumate, Lee Allison, LeeAnn Barnes, Tom Swartz MEMBERS ABSENT: Carrie Bilyeu OTHERS PRESENT: Superintendent of Parks and Recreation Jim Berman, Administrative Assistant Jennifer Shumate 1. Meeting called to order. 2. Pledge. 3. Citizen’s Input.  No citizens in attendance to speak. 4. Consider minutes of the meeting of August 12, 2014.  Minutes approved unanimously after a motion to approve by Josh Shumate and a second by Jackie Pevehouse. 5. Discussion of Fall Fishing Derby.  Fall Fishing Derby scheduled from October 25, 2014 from 2pm to 4pm.  Parks Board will hand out flyers during the Homecoming Parade on the morning of October 25, 2014.  The Parks Department purchased several children’s fishing poles to have for door prizes. There will also be trophies for winners. 6. Sanger Sellabration.  Finalizing of schedule and give-a-ways discussed. 7. Scarecrow Contest.  Board updated on finalized plans. 8. Beginning Discussion of 2015 Calendar (to include Trash Off Date).  Sanger Trash Off is set for the 2nd Saturday in March.  Pitch, Hit, and Run scheduled for April 11, 2015.  Easter Egg Hunt will be the Saturday before Easter or on April 4, 2015.  Spring Fish Derby to be held on May 16, 2015. 9. Open Discussion of Future Projects. 10. Future Agenda Items.  Christmas Parade  Judging of Christmas Lights 11. Meeting Adjourned.