08/30/2016-4A-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: 4A Sanger Industrial Development Corporation August 30, 2016 MEMBERS PRESENT: Fred Yeats, John Jacobs, Casey Barclay, and Don Gillum MEMBERS ABSENT: Elizabeth Springer OTHERS PRESENT: Director of Economic and Community Development Alina Ciocan, Administrative Assistant Jennifer Shumate, Graham Chenault, Louis Chenault 1. Call Meeting to Order. Meeting called to order at 1:00PM. 2. Approve Minutes: July 12, 2016 Minutes approved unanimously after a motion to approve by John Jacobs and a second by Fred Yeats. 3. Discuss and Possibly Take Action on the Status of the Purchase and Sale Agreement Between the Sanger Industrial Development Corporation and Hollingsworth Manufacturing Company Regarding 103 and 125 Bolivar Street. After a few clarifications regarding the contract a motion carried unanimously to offer a forty five (45) day extension from the meeting date of August 30, 2016 to finalize the contract otherwise the City of Sanger is open to entertain other offers regarding the building. The motion was presented by Casey Barclay with a second by Fred Yeats. 4. Update on Project – Sanger Presbyterian Church Renovation. Ms. Ciocan advised that a final walk through is scheduled for Thursday, September 1, 2016 at 1:00PM. The City is working with the Historical Society on a grand opening and the Board will be invited. 5. Review Financials. No comments. 6. Citizen Comments. No comments. 7. Meeting Adjourned.