01/05/2016-4A-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: 4A Sanger Industrial Development Corporation January 5, 2016 MEMBERS PRESENT: Fred Yeats, John Jacobs, Elizabeth Springer, and Don Gillum MEMBERS ABSENT: Casey Barclay OTHERS PRESENT: Director of Economic Development Alina Ciocan, Administrative Assistant Jennifer Shumate 1. Call Meeting to Order. Meeting called to order at 12:59pm. 2. Approve Minutes: October 19, 2015 Minutes approved unanimously after a motion to approve by John Jacobs and a second by Elizabeth Springer. 3. Election of Officers. Elizabeth Springer motioned for Don Gillum to serve as President with a second by John Jacobs. Motion carried unanimously. Fret Yeats motioned for Elizabeth Springer to serve as Vice President with a second by John Jacobs. Motion carried unanimously. Elizabeth Springer motioned for John Jacobs to serve as secretary with a second by Don Gillum. Motion carried unanimously. Don Gillum motioned for Fred Yeats to serve as Treasurer with a second by John Jacobs. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve a Purchase and Sale Agreement Between the City of Sanger and the Sanger Industrial Development Corporation Regarding 125 Bolivar Street; Authorize the Director of Economic Development to Finalize the Transaction. Fred Yeats made a motion to approve the purchase and sale agreement between the City of Sanger and the Sanger Industrial Development Corporation regarding 125 Bolivar Street as well as authorizing the Director of Economic Development to finalize the transaction. A second was made by John Jacobs. Motion carries unanimously. 5. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve a Purchase and Sale Agreement Between the Sanger Industrial Development Corporation and Hollingsworth Manufacturing Company Regarding 103 and 125 Bolivar Street; Authorize the Director of Economic Development to Finalize the Transaction. Ms. Ciocan advised the board that a Phase 1 Assessment was completed and a recommendation was returned to complete a Phase 2 Assessment. A historical recognized environmental condition was determined from a previous owner dating back to the 1980’s. Any further information is not available at this time as research is still being completed on why a Phase 2 may be necessary. The Board discussed concerns over wording in the contract, specifically item twelve of the contract (special provisions), which states that the seller will repair/remediate. The board has concerns over the possible cost ramifications. A motion was made by Elizabeth Springer to table the approval of the purchase and sale agreement between the Sanger Industrial Development Corporation and Hollingsworth Manufacturing Company regarding 103 and 125 Bolivar Street and authorization of the Director of Economic Development to finalize the transaction. A second was presented by Fred Yeats. The motion carried unanimously. 6. Update on Project – Water and Wastewater Improvements to Industrial Areas Along the East Side of I- 35. Alina Ciocan spoke with Neal Welch and was advised that they are hoping to go out to bid in March or April. 7. Review Financials. Financials were reviewed. 8. Citizen Comments. No citizens were in attendance. 9. Meeting Adjourned.