01/06/2015-4A-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: 4A Sanger Industrial Development Corporation January 6, 2015 MEMBERS PRESENT: Fred Yeats, Elizabeth Springer, and Don Gillum MEMBERS ABSENT: John Jacobs OTHERS PRESENT: Director of Economic Development Alina Ciocan, Administrative Assistant Jennifer Shumate 1. Meeting called to order at 1:13PM. 2. Consider minutes of the meeting of November 3, 2014. • Minutes approved unanimously after a motion to approve by Mr. Yeats and a second by Mrs. Springer. 3. Update on Projects. • Alina Ciocan gave an update on the Water and Sewer Line Extension Project. Mrs. Ciocan advised that the plans were 90% complete. The next step will be to acquire the Easements and Staff hopes for completion in 2016. • Alina is currently applying for a grant with CoServ to assist with some very necessary updates needed for Economic Development. Mrs. Ciocan is requesting the grant as one large plan that actually consists of several smaller pieces. o One smaller piece is a new Economic Development website to be separate from the City’s. o Another piece is new areal maps to be used as marketing material. o The last activity being requested as part of the grant is to update our Retail Study. The current study was last done in 2011. This piece is imperative to show growth in our trade area. • All projects will take around 90 days to complete. • Alina Ciocan has also been in contact with the publishers of a DFW Relocation Guide. In the past the north has been cut off at Denton. Alina has obtained a write up and inclusion of Sanger in the next publication. • Mrs. Ciocan is currently in contact with several different retailers about Sanger. It was stated that all avenues are being explored. She has also been in contact and doing research on industrial possibilities. It seems that many of the challenges we face in bringing in several industrial prospects is both availability of gas (especially in the North Corridor) and the availability of a spur along our railroad tracks. • Alina is also working with some local developers on a new retail center with a possible grocery store anchor. 4. Review Financials. • A review of the financials was done. The question was asked what is boosting the sales tax. Alina feels that it is the increase in Sanger’s median income. For the past five years the median income has been $40,000.00 and just recently it increased to $54,000.00 and residents may just have more disposable income. 5. Meeting Adjourned.