03/30/2016-4A-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: 4A Sanger Industrial Development Corporation March 30, 2016 MEMBERS PRESENT: Fred Yeats, John Jacobs, Elizabeth Springer, and Don Gillum, Casey Barclay MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, City Manager Mike Brice Director of Economic Development Alina Ciocan, Administrative Assistant Jennifer Shumate 1. Call Meeting to Order. Meeting called to order at 1:00PM. 2. Approve Minutes: January 5, 2016 Minutes approved unanimously after a motion to approve by John Jacobs and a second by Casey Barclay. 3. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Expending Funds in the Amount of $175,000 to Refurbish the Sanger Presbyterian Church. Mayor Muir spoke regarding the Sanger Presbyterian Church. They mayor began with a brief history on the church building starting with a reminder that the 4B Sanger Texas Development Corporation agreed to match donations up to $110,000 based on a pervious architectural quote that the building could be refurbished back to its original condition for approximately $220,000. The Denton County Historical Society contacted the City of Sanger several years ago offering to take the Sanger Presbyterian Church to the historical site in Denton but this would have the Sanger monikers as well as the historical plaque being removed. A meeting of citizens was had after this offer and the citizens felt strongly that the building should remain in Sanger. Since that time a fund raising effort has ensued and $100,000 has been raised in conjunction with the Sanger Historical Society by 150 different donors. Once the $100,000 goal was raised and the agreed matching by the 4B Sanger Texas Development Corporation the project was put out to bid to begin the refurbishing project. Because of inflation over the several years that donations were being made it has now became a $475,000 project. Mayor Muir is proposing that the 4B Sanger Texas Development Corporation still do nate the $110,000 that was ear marked for the project and he is also proposing that the 4A Sanger Industrial Development Corporation give $175,000 towards the project. The City of Sanger will be using $40,000 from Hotel/Motel tax. Along with donations will help this project reach its goal. Mayor Muir felt that there are three considerations that need to be taken into account: 1) Practical: A 150 different donors donated to the project in good faith that the project was going to be completed. A quote was obtained in good faith that led us to believe we were collecting the monies needed to complete the project. The donors have already received the tax deductions on the charitable contributions, therefore, the money cannot be returned. 2) Philosophical: What is the right price for culture? 3) Theological / Moral: The church donated the land and facility to the City in good faith that the City would take care of the building and land. Elizabeth Springer asked about use and any income the building may incur. Mr. Brice advised that there would be limited income in rental fees and that the building would have uses similar to that of the current Community Center. Mr. Brice stated that the $425,000 is a solid number because all areas of the refurbish have been formally bid. He advised that a small “cushion” has been built into the final number for any unseen damages but feels that the actual cost of the refurbish will come in at or below the $425,000 stated. A motion was made by Elizabeth Springer to expend funds in the amount of $175,000 to refurbish the Sanger Presbyterian Church with a second from John Jacobs. The motion passed unanimously. 4. Update on Project – Purchase and Sale Agreement Between the Sanger Industrial Development Corporation and Hollingsworth Manufacturing Company Regarding 103 and 125 Bolivar Street. Clarification has been obtained on what was located during the Phase I study that prompted a Phase II requirement. A hazardous permit was filed not due to a spill but for hazardous waste disposal. The City is currently waiting on the actual permit to be located by TCEQ. Once permit is located we only have to test for what the actual permit is for rather than testing for a wide array of items. Elizabeth Springer asked if Phase II has begun. Mr. Brice advised that we are still in the research of Phase I and that Phase II will be bid once all the facts are gathered. 5. Review Financials. No comments. 6. Citizen Comments. No comments. 7. Meeting Adjourned.