05/11/2016-4A-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: 4A Sanger Industrial Development Corporation May 11, 2016 MEMBERS PRESENT: Fred Yeats, John Jacobs, Elizabeth Springer, and Don Gillum MEMBERS ABSENT: Casey Barclay OTHERS PRESENT: Director of Economic Development Alina Ciocan, Administrative Assistant Jennifer Shumate 1. Call Meeting to Order. Meeting called to order at 12:59PM. 2. Approve Minutes: March 30, 2016 Minutes approved unanimously after a motion to approve by Elizabeth Springer and a second by John Jacobs. 3. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve a Purchase and Sale Agreement Between the Sanger Industrial Development Corporation and Hollingsworth Manufacturing Company Regarding 103 and 125 Bolivar Street Provided that A Phase II Environmental Assessment is not Required; Authorize the Director of Economic Development to Finalize the Transaction. Consultant confirmed that no Phase II Environmental Assessment required. No remediation will be required and there are no changes to the agreement. A motion to approve a purchase and sale agreement between the Sanger Industrial Development Corporation and Hollingsworth Manufacturing Company regarding 103 and 125 Bolivar Street made by Fred Yeats with a second by Elizabeth Springer. Motion passed unanimously. Mrs. Ciocan advised Mr. Gillum that she will need his signature on the original document authorizing Alina Ciocan to act on behalf of the 4A Sanger Industrial Development Corporation for the closing. 4. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve Expending $9,500 on Building Improvements to Relocate the Economic Development Office to New Space. The current Economic Development office is located at 201 Bolivar and the City is suggesting moving Economic Development to 301 Bolivar which is an office more conducive to a professional environment. The cost mentioned above would include new carpet, paint, and signage. A motion to approve expending $9,500 on building improvements to relocate the Economic Development Office to new space was made by Elizabeth Springer with a second by Fred Yeats. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Update on Projects: a) Sanger Presbyterian Church Renovation Construction should start very soon. A video will be made that will show pre-construction, during the project, and a final. The Sanger Presbyterian Church Renovation project should take a few months to complete. b) Texas Pellets Texas Pellets filed for bankruptcy which puts their bonds in default. 6. Review Financials. No comments. 7. Citizen Comments. No comments. 8. Meeting Adjourned.