04/17/2018-4B-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: 4B Development Corporation April 17, 2018 PRESENT: Beverly Branch, Barbara Martin, Beverly Howard, John Payne and Will Dutton ABSENT: Debbie Reaves and Jeff Springer OTHERS PRESENT: Parks Director James Berman and Recreation and Events Coordinator Jennifer Shumate Dennis Sims of Dunkin, Sims, and Stoffels 1. Meeting called to order at 5:59pm. 2. Approve Minutes: February 27, 2018. Motion to approve minutes made by Will Dutton with a second by Beverly Branch. Minutes passed unanimously. 3. Presentation of Qualifications for Dennis Sims of Dunkin, Sims, and Stoffels. Mr. Dennis Sims was introduced by Parks Director Jim Berman and started presentation by stating that his firm did Phase I of Porter Park and Jim agreed that it would be best to have him and his firm not only discuss but do the Phase II project as well. Mr. Sims explained that he is a Landscape Architect that focuses only on Park Planning for municipalities and gave a brief history of his firm and then asked for questions from the board. Mr. Payne asked what was needed to move forward with seeing what can be projected for Phase II of Porter Park. Including how does the firm obtain the information for what would be best at the Park including if information was obtained from the community. Mr. Sims explained that it will be a several step program that will include obtaining information from the community, a needs assessment that will include how Phase I of Porter Park is currently being utilized, population projections, as well as other measures standard in park planning. He also stated the main goal is to stay ahead of the future growth. Mr. Simms will provide a score of service to present at the next meeting of the 4B Development Corporation. 4. Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider and Discuss Design and Future Construction of the Porter Park Event Pavilion Located at John Porter Park. Hearing opened at 6:30pm. No public in attendance. Hearing closed at 6:30pm. 5. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Act on Grant Guidelines, Grant Application, and Grant Loan Agreement. Mr. Berman asked if the board had the opportunity to review the grant guidelines, grant application, and grant loan agreement that was drafted and forward on to them. All board members had reviewed and were in agreement with all paperwork. Mr. Berman advised that all the paperwork will go to City Staff for additional approval and once final approval is given will be advertised. Grant Guidelines, Grant Application, and Grant Loan Agreement approved unanimously with a motion to approve made by Barbara Martin and a second by Will Dutton. 6. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Act on Expending Funds not to Exceed $85,000.00 for Design and Construction of the Porter Park Event Pavilion Located at John Porter Park. A brief discussion was had based on previous meetings minutes. Motion to expend funds not to exceed $85,000.00 for design and construction of the Porter Park Event Pavilion located at John Porter Park was passed unanimously with a motion by John Payne and a second by Beverly Howard. 7. Review Financials. No comments regarding financials made. 8. Input From Citizens. No citizens in attendance. 9. Meeting Adjourned.