08/28/2018-4B-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: 4B Development Corporation August 28, 2018 PRESENT: Barbara Martin, Beverly Howard, Carrie Bilyeu, Beverly Branch, and Jeff Springer ABSENT: John Payne and Will Dutton OTHERS PRESENT: Parks Director James Berman and Recreation and Events Coordinator Jennifer Shumate 1. Meeting called to order at 6:02pm. 2. Approve Minutes: June 28, 2018. Motion to approve minutes made by Jeff Springer with a second by Beverly Howard. Minutes passed unanimously. 3. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Act on Expending Funds for Electrical Service at the Porter Park Pavilion Located at John Porter Park. Jim Berman advised the board that to meet their request to install electric at the Porter Park Pavilion there will be a cost associated. Mr. Berman proposed that when installing the electric at the pavilion to extend electrical services throughout the back half (pond side) of the park at the same time to save money in the future and future plans of the park include having electrical services there. Mr. Berman advised that the City of Sanger Electric Department will be the company used to do the electrical work and the associated cost will be equipment needs and the small items that require a licensed electrical contractor. Jim Berman advised the cost would be $15,000.00 and is included as part of the original budget for the pavilion. The power being provided to the pavilion specifically will include lights and multiple outlets that are on their own breakers placed on the pavilion pillars. There is no action needed since this falls into the original project scope. 4B Development Corporation supported the cost unanimously. 4. Parks Update and Open Discussion of Future Items. The question was asked when the Consulting Firm would begin the work for Phase II at Porter Park and Mr. Berman advised that would take place after the new fiscal year begins on October 1, 2018. No other items were discussed. 5. Review Financials. No comments regarding financials made. 6. Input From Citizens. No citizens in attendance. 7. Meeting Adjourned.