02/27/2018-4B-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: 4B Development Corporation February 27, 2018 PRESENT: Beverly Branch, Barbara Martin, Debbie Reaves, Jeff Springer, John Payne, and Will Dutton ABSENT: Christy Crutsinger and Beverly Howard OTHERS PRESENT: Parks Director James Berman and Recreation and Events Coordinator Jennifer Shumate 1. Meeting called to order at 6:00pm. 2. Approve Minutes: January 23, 2017. Motion to approve minutes made by Jeff Springer with a second by Barbara Martin. Minutes passed unanimously. 3. Presentation by Tatum Whitewood on Potential Large Family Picnic Pavilion. Tatum Whitewood, a senior at Sanger High School, started the presentation by explaining that she has chosen to participate in the Ford Leadership Scholars Program and as a result has to complete a project in the community for the betterment of the community. She briefly reviewed the program as well as her mission. Her community project that is being presented is an Event Pavilion at Porter Park that will include: • 40’x80’ Structure which is 3,200 square feet of event space • Structure will be a square pavilion with a matching dark green roof as well as matching rocked pillars • Ten matching picnic tables will be placed inside the pavilion • Total cost of the structure will be $84,030.00 with final cost to the city being $55,083.00 which is a savings of $28,947.00 after donations and cost savings offered to Ms. Whitewood. • Benefits of structure were covered that included weddings, birthday parties, family reunions with rental cost being $100.00 for a four-hour rental. Several questions asked of Tatum were as follows: • Ms. Reaves asked how long the cost estimates are good for and Tatum explained that the costs would be valid through the project being completed. • Mr. Payne asked about the cities requirements and permitting and costs association? It was explained by both Jim Berman and Tatum that the building is pre-fabricated so it automatically meets all requirements, and it was also stated that an engineer is involved in the process and would include stamped engineered plans in the original cost estimates. Mr. Berman also stated that permits would obtained with no cost since it is a city structure. • Ms. Branch asked if flooding would be a concern. Mr. Berman explained that it is in the flood way rather than the flood zone but that this isn’t a concern because it is not a solid wall (two -sides or more) structure that we are ok to build in the flood way. Ms. Branch then asked about damage to the building during a time of flooding and Jim Berman explained that the building would be covered under our insurance policy for any future damage. • John Payne asked if the building would include electricity for lights and other future needs. Tatum answered that it isn’t included in the cost estimate and Jim added that electricity could be included in-house but that a cost couldn’t be determined at this time. • Tatum Whitewood explained that she needs a “yes or a no” by March 25, 2018 to continue to qualify for the scholarship. Tatum has to pitch this to Ford in Austin on March 25, 2018. Tatum Whitewood left the meeting so the board could continue further discussion on details. Jim Berman went on to explain to the board that they have the ability to have their own grant program or that they also have the ability to set aside money during the budgeting process for community projects that may come forward during the year. He stated that at this time we are not set up for projects such as this one. That the way this one be going forward would be considered a “City Project” with Tatum providing in-kind services or the board needs to move forward with a developer agreement for these projects. Jim Berman is asking the board for direction. He stated that the board gives city staff the direction and we try to follow that direction at all times. The direction Mr. Berman is hoping for from the board is if projects like this are the future for this board and if so we need to determine what processes we will use going forward. Jim did research to make sure that the rock, roof, and other parts of the structure will match what is currently at the park facility. ADA compliance was discussed and it was determined that the pavilion will meet ADA compliance and that the pavilion would be connected to the current sidewalk. Jeff Springer made a motion to move forward specifically with this project to make a decision promptly and in addition to this project move forward with investigating a way to have an expedited process for other smaller projects in the future ie: grants. Beverly Branch seconded and the motion passed unanimously. 4. Parks Update and Open Discussion of Future Items. Mr. Berman reminded the board that they requested a Phase II update for Porter Park and he presented them with the master plan done originally for Phase II and asked the board if this was still their wants and needs? He has requested updated costs for this plan but before further research was completed he wanted to ensure that this was still what the board envisioned. Jim is hoping for direction from the board on their wants and needs. He suggested if they may want to have a consultant to come and determine what our currents needs and wants are and then obtain a cost estimate from the newer plan? After a brief discussion on if Phase II could handle six regulation baseball fields as is depicted on the current master plan for Phase II Will Dutton made the suggestion that a consultant does need to come out and see what the needs and wants of the board are and then make an educated determination of what can be placed in Phase II. A short review of some of the design concerns at Phase I of Porter Park, specifically the backstops on the softball fields was discussed with the importance of making sure fields built in the future are to regulation size. John Payne expressed on behalf of the board the frustration with Railroad Baseball Park and how limited we are for future growth with that current park. Mr. Payne and the board expressed that the priority to the board is expansion of the east side of Porter Park and beginning Phase II as quickly as possible with the top priority being the actual baseball fields first. Jim Berman stated that a park planner/consultant needs to come out and speak to the board and phase out Porter in several phases to include their priorities so that it becomes more manageable projects. Debbie Reaves made a motion to have a consultant come and present to the board during the March meeting to discuss future growth at Porter Park Phase II with a second by Will Dutton. Motion passed unanimously. Jim Berman stated that permits have been obtained for the shade structures at Porter Park and those will be moving forward and that while a permit has not yet been obtained for the shade structures at Railroad Baseball Park it is still in the moving forward process. 5. Review Financials. A review of the financials was made with a few clarifications on certain line items. The board requested a detailed account on the balance left on our debt service and when those are due. They would also like clarification on can we pay down or potentially pay off early. Mr. Berman stated he would get with our Finance Director to get this information to the board. No further comments were made regarding the financials. 6. Input From Citizens. No citizens in attendance. 7. Meeting Adjourned.