01/28/2018-4B-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: 4B Development Corporation January 23, 2018 PRESENT: Beverly Branch, Barbara Martin, Debbie Reaves, Jeff Springer, John Payne, and Christy Crutsinger ABSENT: Will Dutton and Beverly Howard OTHERS PRESENT: Parks Director James Berman and Recreation and Events Coordinator Jennifer Shumate 1. Meeting called to order at 6:00pm. 2. Approve Minutes: August 22, 2017. Motion to approve minutes made by Jeff Springer with a second by Beverly Branch. Minutes passed unanimously. 3. Parks Update and Open Discussion of Future Items. Mr. Berman stated that the grant for the extension of the walking tour will be resubmitted in February. He also stated that the shade structures for Porter Park are moving forward but there is a little issue with the structures for Railroad Ball Park. Once the issue is resolved those will go up as well. Mr. Payne and the board would like to see a cost analysis of Phase II of Porter Park to determine what steps need to be taken to complete the project. 4. Review Financials. Mr. Berman let the board know that there was a typo on the report. A correctio n will be made to change Special Projects to $250,000.00 rather than $550,000.00. No other financial comments made. 5. Input From Citizens. No citizens in attendance. 6. Meeting Adjourned.