02/05/2019-4B-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: 4B Development Corporation February 5, 2019 PRESENT: Will Dutton, John Payne, Beverly Branch, and Barbara Martin ABSENT: Beverly Howard, Carrie Bilyeu and Jeff Springer OTHERS PRESENT: Parks Director James Berman, Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw, and Recreation and Events Coordinator Jennifer Shumate 1. Meeting called to order at 6:04pm. 2. Approve Minutes: January 22, 2019. Motion to approve minutes made by Will Dutton with a second by Beverly Branch. Minutes passed unanimously. 3. Consider and Act on Adding Shani Bradshaw, Director of Economic Development, as a Registered Agent for the 4B Sanger Texas Development Corporation. Motion to add Shani Bradshaw as the Registered Agent made by Barbara Martin with a second by Beverly Branch. Motion passed unanimously 4. Discuss City Wide Comp Plan. Mrs. Bradshaw had a hard copy of the comp plan for each board member due to the size of the file and emailing difficulties. The board took a moment to look over the 2007 comp plan. Mrs. Bradshaw took a brief moment to review what was discussed at the January meeting to remind the board and to bring Mrs. Martin up to date since she was unable to attend the last meeting. Several questions were asked by the board. How is the comp plan utilized? How has the 2007 comp plan been used over the last 11 years. Why is the 2007 comp plan outdated after 11 years when they are typically meant to last 20 years. Mr. Payne specifically asked if the populations estimates in the 2007 plan are running on trend then how is the document outdated? The Board reviewed the January financials at this time to look at funds to potentially cover the requested amount. The 2019 budget was discussed in detail including funds to potentially pay for the Comp Plan. Mr. Berman explained to the board that having an updated plan on file can assist in gr ant opportunities. And it was discussed how the changes in Sanger to the thoroughfares were coming earlier than expected including expansion of both FM455 and I35 and how the comp plan is necessary to assist in potential rezoning to accommodate these expansions. The Board concluded this item by asking Mrs. Bradshaw for more information on why an updated plan is essential and how it will be utilized going forward. 5. Discuss Future Parks Plan Dated June 31, 2012 and Master Plan 2008 Parks and Recreation Updated 2014. To start Mr. Payne cited minutes from past meetings where Phase II or Porter Park were discussed: • February 27, 2018: The board stated that Phase II was a priority and a motion was made and passed to have a consultant come in to discuss the future park. • April 17, 2018: Dunkin, Sims, and Stoffels presented their services and advised the board that the firm of Dunkin, Sims, and Stoffels completed the master plan for Phase I of Porter Park. • June 28, 2018: A letter with the scope of services was presented from Dunkin, Sims, and Stoffels was presented to the board to complete a master plan for Phase II of Porter Park. A motion was made and passed to accept the scope of services and fees associated. At the June meeting it was also discussed removing the $300,000.00 budgeted for the trail project at Phase II. • October 23, 2018: During an update on the consultation process Mr. Berman advised he had a meeting with the firm on November 1, 2018. • January 22, 2018: Mr. Berman advised that the project has not yet been started. Mr. Payne concluded that it was disconcerting that they have been asked to spend money elsewhere when they have stated that the priority is Phase II. Mr. Berman stated that work on the updated plan for Phase II has actually begun with gathering data from all involved agencies and that the consulting firm will not get involved until all data has been collected. The board then stated confusion on why a new plan was needed when the concept has not changed since the Future Park Plan concept dated June 31, 2012. Mr. Berman agreed that a new plan was not needed and the board unanimously agreed to work off of the June 31, 2012 plan and not more forward with the new concept plan that was originally budgeted. Mr. Berman advised the board that the first phase of Phase II would need to be a flood plain study, survey, and construction documents. The next phase would be all dirt work and infrastructure for the entire park. The Board requested that Staff present to them during the March meeting the costs to potentially begin work on Phase II including the cost of the flood plain study, survey, and potentially construction documents. Further items briefly discussed were the pedestrian trail between the two where Mr. Berman explained that he will be working with TxDOT on this initially as we plan for the expansion of I35. The plans of Phase II including the skate park and soccer fields were briefly discussed. 6. Input From Citizens. No citizens in attendance. 7. Meeting Adjourned.