01/22/2019-4B-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: 4B Development Corporation January 22, 2019 PRESENT: Will Dutton, Beverly Howard, John Payne, Beverly Branch, and Carrie Bilyeu ABSENT: Barbara Martin and Jeff Springer OTHERS PRESENT: Parks Director James Berman, Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw, and Recreation and Events Coordinator Jennifer Shumate 1. Meeting called to order at 6:00pm. 2. Approve Minutes: October 23, 2018. Motion to approve minutes made by Beverly Branch with a second by Carrie Bilyeu. Minutes passed unanimously. 3. Discuss City Wide Comp Plan. James Berman introduced Shani Bradshaw, Economic Development Director, to the board as not only the person to introduce the City Wide Comp Plan but also as the new Staff liaison for the 4B Development Corporation. Mrs. Bradshaw explained to the board that with the current growth within the City of Sanger and the continued interest in the town by outside businesses both retail and industrial it has become apparent that our current comp plan that was completed in 2007 is outdated. Shani explained that the 4A Development Corporation budgeted $45,000.00 for the updated comp plan, however, after several weeks of research it has been determined that the plan could actual be double that price. The City Planner and Shani both have contact numerous surrounding cities that recently completed the same plan and the cost was closer to $100,000.00. The board requested to see the 2007 Comp Plan. Mrs. Bradshaw explained that the cost of the Comp Plan included many factors in Sanger to assist in setting future goals and plans for the City. Just some of the items to be included is updated zoning, a thoroughfare plan, future development locations, parks, and many other detailed items. Shani explained that she would be asking the 4B Development Corporation for $40,000.00 to help cover some of the Comp Plan cost and would be returning to the 4A Development Corporation for the remaining amount. The Board moved to ITEM #6 at this time to look at funds to potentially cover the requested amount. The 2019 budget was discussed in detail including funds to potentially pay for the Comp Plan. Mrs. Bradshaw advised that no action was required at tonight’s meeting and that this would be placed on a future agenda. 4. Update on Scope of Services for Dunkin, Sims, and Stoffels Regarding Preparation of a Master Plan for the Sanger Sports Park – Phase II, East of I35. This project has not been started as of yet. Jennifer Shumate will be the point person going forward and she advised that she has left a message for the firm to get the first items in place. Staff advised they would hope to have the first community meeting as early as March/April. 5. Update on Parks Project. The pavilion being constructed at Porter Park is now completed. 6. Review Financials. No comments regarding financials made other than discussions noted in ITEM #3. 7. Input From Citizens. No citizens in attendance. 8. Meeting Adjourned.