06-92-Ordinance-Levying the Taxes for Fiscal Year 1992-1993-09/21/1992CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS C/TySECREI' LEVYING TAXES 10/ 1/92 - 9/30/93 ORIGIQL COPY ORDINANCE NO. #06-92 ♦ . v • t a . i * . i : ■ i is a BE IT ORDAINED AND ORDERED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas that: We, the City Council of the City of Sanger, do hereby levy or adopt the tax rate on $100.00 valuation for this city for tax year 1992 as follows: $.4159 for the purposes of maintenance and operation $.047:4for the payment of principal and interest on bonds $.4633 total tax rate The tax collector is hereby authorized to collect the taxes of the City of Sanger employing the above tax rate. The above ordinance and order was unanimously passed by the City Council of the City of Sanger on this 21st day of September, 1992, and was executed in duplicate. Nel Armstrong Mayor, City of Sanger [� f Rosalie Garcia City Secretary