1983 Annual Financial ReportCITY OF BANGER, TEXAS ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 1983 ELECTED CITY OFFICALS CITY COUNCIL Ralph B. Cole, Mayor. Benny Bridges, Alderman Carolyn Adkins, Alderman Freddy Inman, Alderman Danny Spindle, Alderman Harvey W. Thomas, Alderman APPOINTED OFFICALS Lloyd Henderson, City Manager Mary .io Stover, City Secretary and Tax Assessor -Collector CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Accountant's Report on Financial Statements and Supplemental Schedules A-1 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Combined Balance Sheet - All Funds Combined Schedule of Bonds Payable Combined General Fund Balance Sheet Statement of Changes in Fund Balance Statement of Revenue - Estimated and Actual Statement of Expenditures and Encumbrances Compared With Authorizations Utilitv Fund Balance Sheet Statement of Revenue And Expense Statement of Changes in Retained Earnings Tax And Warrant Interest And Sinlci Balance Sheet Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements Capital Projects Funds Balance Sheet Statement of Changes in Fund Balances Balance Sheet Payroll Fund Revenue Sharing Fund Fund Balance Sheet Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance Statement of Revenues - Estimated and Actual Summary Statement of Expenditures Compared With Authorizations G-1 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) General Funded Debt Statement of General Funded Debt I-1 General Fixed Assets Statement of Changes in General Fixed Assets - By Sources J-1 NOTES TO TtIE FINANCIAL STATENtENTS Notes to the Financial Statements K-1/K-3 SUPPLEMENTAL SCHEDULES General Fund Detail Schedule of Expenditures and Encumbrances Compared With Authorizations Utility Fund Schedule of P.evenue - Estimated and Actual M-1 Summary Schedule of Expenditures - Estimated and Actual M-2 Detail Schedule of Expenditures - Estimated and Actual M-3 STATISTICAL SECTION Property Tax Levies and Collections N-1 Utility Revenue Bonds - Principal and Interest Requirements N-2 Electric System Balance Sheet N-3 Util:i.N-4 ty Rates n, 628 FIRST 8TA I BANK BLDG. DENTON* TEXAS 76201 617/Wee8721 Mayor and City Council City of Sanger, Texas December 16, 1983 MEMBER: AMERICAN INSTITUTE CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS We have examined the financial statement:: of the various funds and account groups of the City of Sanger, Texas for the year ended August 31, 1983, listed in the foregoing table of contents. Except as explained in the following paragraph, our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and, accordingly, included such test of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. We were unable to satisfy ourselves as to the carrying value of electric plant: and general fixed assets reflected in the Utility Fund and General Fixed Assets, because the City's accounting records relating to such assets are incomplete. The carrying value of such Utility Fund assets effects the amount of depreciation of the Utility Fund. In our opinion, except for the effects of such adjustments, if any, as might have been necessary if we had been able to satisfy ourselves as to the carrying value of Utility Fund and General Fixed Assets and the resulting charge for depreciation, such financial statements present fairly the financial position of the various funds and account groups of the City of Sanger, Texas at August 31, 1983, and the results of operations of such funds for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principals applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. It is our further opinion that the accounting requirements of the bond ordinances for the revenue bond issues have been met. The accompanying supplemental schedules and statistical section listed in the foregoing table of contents are not considered essential for the f,itir presentation of financial position, results of operations, or changes in financial position in conformity with generally accepted accounting principal, but are presented as additional analytical data. Thi's information has been subjected to the audit procedures applied in the examination of the financial statements mentioned above and, in our opinion, is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the financial statements taken as a whole. Maston A. Wright, CPA MAW/dm Cash Investments Accounts Receivable Taxes Receivable Interest Receivable Other Receivable Due From Other Funds Prepaid Expenses Restricted Assets Fixed Assets (Net) Accumulated Deficit of Amount to be Provided Due From HUD Total Assets CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS COMBINED BALANCE SHEET - ALL FUNDS AUGUST 31, 1982 and 1983 ASSETS Sanger Electric System for the Retirement of Bonds Certificate of ,Obligation Accounts Payable Advances Payable Accrued Liabilities Due to Other Funds Deposits Other Liability General Obligation Bonds Payable Note Payable - First National Bank Revenue Bonds Payable Total Liabilities LIABILITIES of Sanger 1982 $ 103,210 $ 61,341 145,378 220,236 166,349 226,104 21,157 30,494 2,421 2,989 7,246 866 9,486 8,121 735,678 222,463 1,830,99 21342,481 75,45� 82,216 1559000 130,000 3,399 $ 3,245,134 $ 3,337,956 $ 26,409 $ 21,127 179,735 1635076 230750 18,750 27,015 32,767 866 42,554 46,690 827 155,000 130200Qi` 9,904 4,952 1,295,000 1,240,00 $ 1,759,367 RESERVES. FUND BALANCES AND SURPLUS Contingent Liabilities Reserves: Reserve for Uncollected Taxes - Delinquent Revenue Bond Debt Service Contributions Fund Balances Investment In General Fixed Assets Retained Earnings Total Reserves, fund Balances and Surplus Total Liabilities, Reserves, Fund Balances & Sur.plus 44 21,157 122,578 1460972 1959945 4530304 501.343 $ 1,4852767 3,245.134 $ 1,659,055 34,944 30,494 127,081 154,676 141,620 502,834 687,252 $ 1,678,901 $ 3Z337,956 These financial statements and accompanying notes are subject to the accountant',s opinion. N 0 O O O O O C O O O O O O O � 1 0 0 0 0 0 t_ O C O O O In G �n 1 VI SJ O G O O O O O pl O O 0 0 0 0 0 w c o n o n 0 o q o G In o o In a� v, 1 � •n .D .. a 0 0 0 o c q 0 o G o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � In O• O •D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C C O 0 0 0 0 0 N O O O O O O O a 0In O nIn OIn H V1 In Vl T O XI In rA r T a N ' VI u O H O 00 ro l+ N M h v1 M vl •D h N T C 7 U w Op W T T T T u ro TT T TTD•T a a.1 w ro q .+ .� .-+ .+ ..� ......• w a r. U .-+ .� to M •r, ,� q In W O Ivil ¢ H ro Hrn Nrn�mm H q U W H • Vi \ rl r-V •-+ H rH H N h U IN ftIry In In \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' H •D V1 Vl 1,n V1 V\ CO ./1 •p \ 0 \ O u h M M n �A O v N N In r+ •O O d" T .+ C to O O O G O O G• O 7 tl � u• I HI C O C O h N � b O C C > o m .I M r! T M •D h N N U h CO N •D h h h� a ro rn rn h T T T T T N C -+ IA m i •n IA vl n IV N N N N N �. ..� .rl r4 •.1 .l •.1 ..I ..I u 1• U la H U 1+ 1+ ILI N VI In L In N VI V) VI IA N N v N m tj N N U O O O U ? H H GTTY of SANGER, MAAs GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET AUGUST 31, 1982 and 1983 Cash Investments Due From Other Funds: G. 0. Tax Warrant HUD Taxes Receivable - Delinquent Interest Receivable Prepaid Insurance Total. Assets Assets 1982 1983 $ 26,555 $ 5,228 65;295 100,091 -0- 6,672 -0- 3,399 21,157 303494 2,273 2,004 2,896 2,606 $ 118,176 $ 150,494 Liabilities Reserves and Fund Balance Due t:o Payroll Reserve For Uncollected Taxes - Delinquent. Fund Balance Total. Liabilities, Reserves and Fund Balance n 21,157 97.019 $ 118,176 $ 557 30,494 119,443 $ 150,494 These financial statements and accompanying notes are subject to the accountant's opinion. C-1 CITY OF SANGLR, TEXAS GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE YEARS ENDED AUGUST 31, 1982 and 1983 Balance, Beginning of Year Prior Year Adjustment to Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures Excess of Revenues & Expenditures Balance, End of Year 1982 $ 55,542 (11126) 54,/+16 340,271 (297,668) 42,603 $ 97,O1J9 1983 $ 97,019 -0- 97,019 372,038 (349.564) 22,474 $ 119,493 These financial statements and accompanying notes are subject to the accountant's opinion. C-2 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE - ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL (Rounded to the nearest dollar) FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 1983 (Over) Final Under Budget Actual Budget General Property Taxes: Current Year's Levy $ 172,019� Prior Year's Levy 5,91T Penalty and Interest 41976 Total $ 1831872 $ 182,912w', $ 960 City Sales Tax $ 37)000 $ 45,464 ✓ $ (8,464) Charges for Services: Sanitation Service $ 700537 Use of Equipment -O- Total $ 74,500 $ 70,537 $ 3,963 Appropriation from Utility Fund $ -0- $ 20,960 $ (20)960), Other Revenues: Fines $ $ 11,620 $ Franchise Tax CIO-) 33Cf Occupation Tax and Permits 610 t�-'" Other Fees and Permits 9,607� Sale of Equipment 477 Tax Certificates 469� Interest 7,982 Miscellaneous, Insurance 11,066 Totaal $ 31�000 $ 52,165 Total. Total Revenues $ 326,372 $ 372,038 $ (45,666) These financial statements and accompanying notes are subject to the accountant's opinion. C-3 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES COMPARED WITH AUTHORIZATIONS (Rounded to the Nearest Dollar) FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 1983 (Over Final Under Budget Actual Budget Administrative $ 91,617 $ 90,995 $ 622 Fire Department 16,573 13$03 3,2.70 Police Department 893502 97,069 (7)567) Street Department 60,688 37,855 22,833 Sanitation Department 76,571 65,946 10,625 Park Department 3,200 2,474 726 Appropriations to Other Funds 51,755 411922 9J833 Total $ 3892906 $ 349,564 $ 40,342 These financial statements and accompanying notes are subject to the accountant's opinion. C-4 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS UTILITY FUND BALANCE SHEET AUGUST 31, 1983 ASSETS Current Assets: Cash Investments Accounts Receivable Less Allowance for Bad Debt Prepaid Expense Interest Receivable Total Current Assets Restricted Assets: Revenue Bond Debt Service: Interest Receivable Investment Revenue Bond Construction: Cash Investments Interest Receivable Customer Deposit - Brazos Total Restricted Assets Fixed Assets: Electric Plant Water System Sewer System Furniture and Equipment Easement Work in Progress Less: Accumulated Depreciation Total Fixed Assets $ 51,744 103,104 226,104 5,515 831 Accumulated Deficit of Sanger Electric System, Reimbursable by Brazos Electric Power Corporation Total Assets 1,377 158,021 36 72 37,7 384 24,873 1,227,424 921,579 538,128 59,088 1,500 49,324 (957,396) 387,298 222,463 1,839,647 82,216 $ 2,531,624 These financial statements and accompanying notes are subject to the accountant's opinion. LIABIT,ITIES Current Liabilities (Payable from Current Assets): Due to Payroll Account Account Payable (Purchase Power & Operating & Maintenance) Advances Payable to Brazos Consumer Deposits Certificate of Obligation Total (Payable"from Restricted Assets): Accrued Revenue Bond Interest Payable Revenue Bonds Payable - Current Portion Total Total Current Liabilities Other Liabilities: Revenue Bonds Payable Less Current Portion Note Payable - First National Bank of Sanger Total Other Liabilities $ 309 163,076 18,750 46,690 21,127 32,767 80,000 1,240,000 (80,000) 4,952 Contingent Liability - Due to Brazos for Capital Improvements Contributions: Customers 77,766 Others (Grant) 76,910 Total Contributions Retained Earnings and Fund Balance Total Liabilities $ 249,952 112,767 $ 362,719 1,164,9�2 34,944 154,676 814,333 $ 2,531,624 D-1 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS UTILITY FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENSE FOR -THE YEARS ENDED AUGUST 31, 1982 and 1983 Operating Revenue: Electricity Sales Water Sales Sewer Charges Sale of Material Miscellaneous Total Operating Revenues Operating Revenue Deductions: Sanger Electric System Water Department Less Utilities Exp. & Cap. Outlays Sewer Department Less Utilities Exp. & Cap. Outlays Total Operating Revenue Deductions Operating Revenue Before Depreciation ' Depreciation ( Operating Revenue Non -Operating Revenue (Expenses) Excess of Sanger Electric System Revenue Over Expenses - Allocable to Brazos Interest Earnings Non -Operating Expense Interest Expense & Fees on Revenue Bonds Other Net Revenue 1982 $ 1,144,492 138,605 45,929 5, 364 3.176 $ 1,337,566 1983 $ 1,351,544 188,203 74,870+.,' 7,7871�� 18.288 c ..•,w $ 1,640,692 $ 1,019,079 $ 1,1.79,882 6'6, 774 78,184 33�899 29,208 $ 1,119,752 $ 1,287 274. $ 217,814 $ 353,418 57,545 ,% 66,238> 160,269 287,180 -0- 34,333 28,441 192,416 315,621 (61,197) (106,704) $ 131,219 $ 1902412 ` These financial statements and accompanying notes are subject to the accountant's opinion, u CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS UTILITY FUND STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS AND FUND BALANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 1983 Balance Beginning of Year Add: Net Revenue Total. Balance and Additions Balance, End of Year Retained Bond Debt Earnin s Service Total $ 5013343 $ 122,578 $ 623,921 185,909 4,503 190,412 687,252 1272081 814,333' $ 6879252 $J 27,081 $ 814 033 These financial statements and accompanying notes are subject to the accountant's opinion. D-3 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS TAX AND WARRANT INTEREST AND SINKING FUND BALANCE SHEET AUGUST 31, 1982 and 1983 ASSETS 1982 1983 Cash $ 14,968 $ 3,099 Investment 52,925 9,028 Interest Receivable 59 96 Total Assets $ 67)952 $ 12,223 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Fund Balance $ 6�9�2 $ 12,223 STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 1982 and 1983 1982 1983 Receipts: Bond Principal-0- Interest 23558 5,272 Appropriation from General Fund 12,100 48,517 Total Receipts $ 164,658 $ 53,789 Disbc.�rsements: Landfill Expenditures $ 96,416 $ 68,999 Bond Retirements 5,000 25,000 Interest Payments 538 1533.69 Agent's Fees/Bank Charges 100 150 Total Disbursements $ 102,054 $ 1092518 Excess of Receipts Over Disbursements 62,604 (55)729) Cash Balance, Beginning of Year 5,348 67,952 Cash Balance, End of Year $ 672952 $ 12,223 These> Financial statements and accompanying notes are subject to the accountant's opinion. E-1 Muncipal Building Total Assets Fund Balance CITY OF SANDER, TEXAS CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS BALANCE SHEET AUGUST 31, 1983 ASSETS 1973 General Obligations Improvements $ 22,097 $ 22,097 FUND BALANCE / $ 22,097 These financial statements and accompanying notes are subject to the account's opinion. F-1 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 1983 Initial Project Authorization Fund Balance, Beginning of Year Add: Muncipal Building Deduct: Construction Project Fund Balances, End of Year Total All Funds $ 22,097 22,097 j (22,097) $ 22,097 These financial statements and accompanying notes are subject to the accountant's opinion. F-2 CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS PAYROLL FUND BALANCE SHEET AUGUST 31, 1982,and 1983 ASSETS 1982 1983 Cash $ 435 $ 702 Prepaid Insurance 880 -0- Due from Other Funds -0- 1,440 Total Assets $ 1,315 $ 2,142 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Payroll Taxes Payable $ / -0- $ 144 Other Payable (Insurance, Credit Union) -0- 683 Due to Other Funds; General Fund -0- -0 Utility Fund -0- -0- Fund Balance (Deficit) 1,315 1,315 Total Liabilities and Fund Balance $ 1,315 $ 2,142 These financial statements and accompanying notes are subject to the accountant's opinion . G-1 CI1.Y OF SANGER, TEXAS REVENUE SHARING FUND BALANCE SHEET AUGUST 31, 1982 and 1983 ASSETS 1982 1983 Cash $ 7,550 $ 568 Investment - Savings 12 8,013 Interest Receivable -0- 58 Total Assets $ 7,562 $ 8,639 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Fund Balance $ 7,562 $ 81639 ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE YEARS ENDED AUGUST 31, 1982 and 1983 Balance, Beginning of Year $ 5,967 $ 7,562 Add: Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Revenue 9;908 13,194 Expenditures (8)313) (12)117) Total 1,595 1,077 Balance, End of Year $ 7,562 $ 8,639 These financial statements and accompanying notes are subject to the accountant`s opinion. H-1 CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS REVENUE SHARING FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE - ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL (Rounded to the Nearest Dollar) FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 1983 (Over) Final Under Budget Actual Budget Thirteenth Entitlement Period $ 2,575 Fourteenth Entitlement Period $ 93500 10,560 $(3)635) Interest Income 59 (59) Total $ 9,500 $13,194 $(3)694) SUMMARY STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES COMPARED WITH AUTHORIZATIONS FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 1983 (Over) Final Under Budget Actual Budget Capital Expenditures: Environmental Protection $ 2,600 $ 2,622 $ (22) Public Safety 8,135 9,495 (1)360) Total Capital Expenditures $ 10�735 $19117 $(1,3II2) These financial statements and accompanying notes are subject to the accountant's opinion. H-2 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS STATEMENT OF GENERAL FUNDED DEBT AUGUST 31, 1982 and 1983 ASSETS Amounts to be provided for Retirement of Debt Total Assets LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Warrants Payable General Obligation Bonds Payable Total Liabilities and Fund Balance 1982 $ 155)000 $ 155,000 155,00 $ 155,000 1983 $ 130,000 $ 130,000 130)000 $ 130,000 These financial statements and accompanying notes are subject to the accountant's opinion, I-1 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS STATEMENT OF CHANCH IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS BY SOURCES (Rounded to the Nearest Dollar) FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 1983 Improvements Machinery Other Than and Total Land Building Building Equipment General Fixed Assets Beginning of Year $ 4533304 $ 58,683 $ 95,476 $ 163,515 Deletions Additions Volunteer Fire Dept 25,834 25,834 Expenditures from General 23,696 4,635 12,459 General Fixed Assets End of Year $ 502,834 $ 582683 $125,945 $ 175z974 $ 135,630 6.602 These financial statements and accompanying notes are subject to the accountant's opinion, J-1 CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AUGUST 31, 1983 1. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The accounting. policies of the City of Sanger, Texas conform to generally accepted accounting principles as applicable to govern- mental units. The following is a summary of the significant policies: Basis of Accounting The accounting records for general governmental operations Are maintained on a modified basis. Revenues are recorded on the cash basis, except for property taxes, which are accrued. Delinquent taxes receivable at year-end are fully reserved. Expenditures are recorded at the time of payment. Unrecorded general fund payables at year-end are not accrued since such amounts are not material. The financial statements for utility and enterprise operations are reflected on an accrual basis. Investments Investments are stated at cost. Fixed Assets and Depreciation Fixed assets are recorded on the basis of original cost. Fixed assets, except for those recorded in the Utility Fund, are presented as General Fixed Assets with no depreciation recorded. Depreciation on fixed assets of the Utility Fund has been determined by the straight-line method. Accounting for Sanger Electric System The records of Sanger Electric System have been maintained as if the system were a separate entity (See Note 2). The net assets and the results of operations of the electric system are included with other utility operations in these financial statements. All intrafund accounts and transactions have been eliminated. 2. BANGER ELECTRIC SYSTEM The City has entered into an agreement, dated January 1, 1971 and amended July 11, 1973 with Brazos Electric Power Cooperative, Inc., (Brazos) whereby Brazos has assumed full responsibility for K-1 CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) AUGUST 31, 1983 the operation of the City's electrical distribution system. The agreement is terminable by either the City or Brazos upon one year's written notice and will ,expire on December 31,1985. Brazos has guaranteed the City a minimum annual income from the operation of the system of an amount equal to the greater amount yielded by the methods described below: Method A 1 1. An amount equal to 5% of the gross annual revenues derived from operation of the City's system; and, 2. An amount equal to ad valorem which the City caould other- wise receive from the property included in the City's system if such system and property were under private ownership; and, 3. An amount equal to the total amount of interest derived from an investment of $450,000 at a rate of 6% per annum; and, 4. An amount equal to the annual interest and principal require- ments for the existing bonded indebtedness of the City as of January 1, 1971, namely, Utility Revenue Bonds, Series 1969, except for that portion of $61,000 voted upon as refunding bonds of existing revenue bonds; or, Method B 1. An amount equal to 60% of the annual gross revenue from sales of electrical power and energy by the City's system reduced by the corresponding annual cost of electrical power and energy purchased by and for such system, such reduction for cost of purchased power to be made prior to application of the percentage as herein set out. Brazos Electric Power Cooperative, Inc.- has advanced the System $50,000. The advance is unsecured, bears a current interest rate of and has no established due date. 3. FIRST LIEN AND PLEDGE OF THE NET REVENUES OF THE UTILITY BOARD The Utility Revenue Bonds are secured by a first lien and pledge on the net revenues of the Utility Fund. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) AUGUST 31, 1983 4. DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS The City is required under provision of revenue bond ordinances to maintain interest and sinking funds adequate for payments of interest and principal on the revenue bonds, and to establish reserve and emergency funds which are to be used only for payment of interest and principal in the event there is not sufficient funds available in the required interest and sinking funds. For the year ended August 31, 1983 the required interest and sinking funds were adequately maintained and the required amounts of reserve and emergency funds have been established.' 5, CONTINGENT LIABILITY The $82,2I6 is a contingent liability which will be paid only by net profits of the electric system. If Brazos Electric Coop cannot operate the Sanger Electric System in a profitable manner thus reducing this contingent liability, no payment is due from the City of Sanger. 6. CERTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION The City of Sanger entered into an agreement with the First National Bank of Sanger with regards of issuing a Certificate of Obligation for an original amount of $36,972.72. This Certificate was issued as part payment for emergency public improvements. The Certificate is scheduled to be reduced by annual payments beginning September 4, 1980 of $5,281.80 plus interest. All the City's payments will be reimbursed by Jesse A. Coffey, a local builder and developer. 7, SECURITY BOND The First National Bank of Sanger operates as the depository bank for the. City of Sanger. The First National Bank of Sanger pledged bonds totaling $941,000 as security for the City's cash accounts. K-3 CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS GENERAL FUND DETAIL SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES COMPARED WITH AUTHORIZATIONS FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 1983 Administrative: Salaries and Wages Supplies Maintenance Telephone Insurance Legal and Accounting Advertising Utilities City Council Fees and Expenses Tax Assessing and Collecting Expenses Contract Labor Election Expense Dues and Subscriptions Rents Other Travel & Fees Capital Outlay Fire Department: Salaries and Wages Fire Calls Maintenance Other Charges/Supplies Capital Outlays Final Budget $ 51,487 1,550 2,450 $ 35,530 600 Actual $ 50,385 l� 594 3;731 1,776 2,893 12,715 211 1,591 2,442 1,775 3,484 538 2,439 1,915 2,294 498 $ 34,631 654 $ 91, 617 $ 90� 995 600 720 4,383 2,198 73850 81,895 2,300 50 $ 16,573 $ 13�303 (Over) Under Budget (44) 1,281) $ 899 (54) $ 622 (120) 2,185 (1)045) 2,250 $ 3,270 L-1 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS GENERAL FUND DETAIL SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES COMPARED WITH AUTHORIZATIONS (Continued) FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 1983 (Over) Final Under Budget Actual Budget Sanitation Department: Salaries and Wages $ 34,471 $ 21,364 $ 13 107 Supplies 2,225 - 3,014 789) Maintenance -Landfill 1181500 487 18 013 Maintenance -Equipment 71200 9,609 2,409) Insurance 2,612 Contract Labor 9,755/ Special Services 17,178 Other Charges _ 235 12,775 ^29)780 17,005) Capital Outlays 1,400 1,692 (292) 76,571 $ 65,946 $ 10,625 Park Department & Planning & Zoning Supplies $ 400 $ 572 $ (172) Maintenance 13900 1,453 447 Other Charges 600 230 370 Capital Outlays 300 219 81 Appropriations to Other Funds General Obligation, Interest And Sinking Fund $ 3,200 $ 45,469 $ 45,469 2474 $ , $ 41,922 $ 726 $ 3,547 $ 3,547 L-2 CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS GENERAL FUND DETAIL SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES COMPARED WITH AUTHORIZATIONS (Continued) FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 1983 (Over) Final Under Budget Actual Budget Police Department; Salaries $ 72,733 $ 72,478 $ 255 Supplies 1a150 2,219 (12069) Maintenance 7,150 �72811 (661) Telephone 2,656 Insurance 2,644 Judge Fees 1,161 Utilities 1,492 Court Cost 977 Other Charges 1,644 8,050 102574 (r2)524) Capital Outlays 419 3)987 kf13,568), Street Department; Salaries and Wages Supplies Maintenance - Maintenance - Insurance Utilities Contract Labor Streets Equ ipment Capital Outlays and Hauling $ 903 $ 245 $ 658 375 405 (30) 800 932 132) 4,650 42808 (158) 244 17,186 1�576 16,960 19:006 (2)046) 37,000 12,459 24,541 $ 60,688 $ 37,855 $ 22,833 L-3 cITY or sANCER, 'rrxns UTILITY FUNll SCHEDULE OF REVENUE - ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL (Rounded to the Nearest Dollar) FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 1983 L'lectricity Sales Water Sales Sewer Charges Sales of Material Miscellaneous Interest Final laud yet Actual $ 160,000�'� $ 176,815 $ 177,000 70,000 2,000 3,500 3.000 $ 255,500 $ 188,203 74,870 7,787 18,288 28,441 $ 317,589 (Ove.r) Under Budget $ (16,815) $ (11,203) (4,870) (5,787) (14,788) (25,441) $ (62,089) �'� 'The City's budget included only an estimate of the amount of the Brazos Electric Power Cooperative, Inc.'s guarantee. M-1 CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS UTILITY FUND SUMMARY SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES - ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 1983 Sanger Electric System (Over) Final Under Budget Actual Budget $ 1,019,079.. Water Department $ 103,041 $ 108,945. Sewer Department 47,113 43,069 4,044 Debt Service 156,354; 172,539 (16)185) $ 306,508 $ 324,553 (18)045) Capital Improvements - Sanger Electric $ 33,000 $ 94,603 Contribution - Sanger Electric $ $ 5,375 $ DETAIL SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES - ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 1983 Final Iiucige t Actual Sanger Electric System�'� Cost of Purchased Power Labor 71,194 Other 79,484 Water Department: (Over) Under Budget Salaries and Wages $ 47,791 $ 48,801 $ (1,010) Supplies 2,125 2,188 (63) Repairs and Maintenance 19,900 15,864 41036 Other Charges 25,950 363338 (10)388) Capital Outlays 7,275 5,754 1,521 $ 103,041 $ 108,945 $ (59904) �'� The City's budget included only an estimate of the amount of Brazos Electric Power Cooperative, Inc,'s Guarantee, r1- 2 CITY OF SANDER, TEXAS UTILITY FUND DETAIL SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES - ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL (Continued) FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 1983 Final Budget Sewer Department: Actual (Over) Under Budget Salaries and Wages $ 18,788 $ 18,864 $ (76) Supplies 2,975 2,373 602 Repairs and Maintenance 105900 3,493 7,407 Other Charges 12,350 172191• (4,841) Capital Outlays 2,100 1)148 952 $ 47,113 $ 43069 $ 4,044 Debt Service: Revenue Bonds $ 150,154 $ 161,704 $ (11,550) Time Warrant (Computer) 6,200 5,554 646 Certificate of Obligation, 5,281 ;: (5)281) $ 156,354 $ 172,539 $ (169185) Capital Improvements - Sanger Electric $ 84,603 Contribution to Sanger Electric $ 5,282 M-3 CITY OF SANGER) TEXAS PROPERTY TAX LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 1983 Tax Assessed Tax Year Value Lev Current Collections Total Percent Collections Percent 1971 $ 3y768,411 $ 22,606 $I 120,418 90.32% $ 21,509 95.15% 1972 4,029,693 24,165 22,760 94.19% 23,938 99.06% 1973 4,5191878 27,119 24,482 90,28% 25,100 92.56% 1974 5,4112061 32,466 29,088 89.6O% 29,907 92.12% 1975 5,9741913 359846 33,067 92.25% 36,040 100*54% 1976 6,478,717 38,873 352643 91.69% 39,244 100.96% 1977 6,782,337 40,694 37,601 92.40% 39,885 98.00% 1978 7,740,725 46,444 419947 90.30% 44,368 95.50% 1979 8,655,680 60,821 52,391 86.10% 54,643 89.80% 1980 9,5975514 65,951 58,384 88.50% 5,652 97.10% 1981 21,3781529 106,870 992068 92.70% 8,076 100930% 1982 40,919,840 184,139 172,019 93.42% 5,917 96.63% Tax Rate - 1968 - 1970 $ .90 1971 - 1977 .60 1978 - 1980 .70 1981 .50 1982 .45 N-1 Year Ended August 31 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST REQUIREMENTS AUGUST 31, 1983 UTILITY REVENUE BONDS Principal Interest Total 1984 $ 55,000 $ 101,730 $ 156,730 1985 60,000 975368 157,368 1986 65,000 92,731 157,731 1987 70,000 87,907 15.7,907 1988 75,000 82,534 157,534 1989 80,000 76,835 156,835 1990 85,000 70,823 % 155,823 1991 90,000 643152 154,152 1992 100,000 573143 1573143 1993 105,000 49,115 154,115 1994 115,000 41,165 156,165 1995 120,000 313940 1513940 1996 135,000 21,782 156,782 1997 85z000 10,838 95,838 $ 1,240,000 $ 886,063 $ 22126,063 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS 1984 $ 25,000 $ 14,300 $ 39,300 1985 30,000 113550 41,550 1986 35,000 8,250 43,250 1987 405000 4,400 442400 $ 130,000 $ 3II,500 168,500 N-2 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ELECTRIC SYSTEM (OPERATED BY BRAZOS ELECTRIC POWER COOPERATIVE, INC.) BALANCE SHEET AUGUST 31, 1983 ASSETS Current Assets: Cash $ 24,027 Accounts Receivable - Customers 193,767 Contributions Receivable for Construction 14,558 Prepaid Expense - Sales Tax 1,796 Total Current Assets Restricted Assets:' Cash - Consumer Deposits Utility Plant: Electric Plant in Service 1,227,424 Construction in Progress 49,324 Less: Accumulated Depreciation (461)145) Total Utility Plant Total Assets LIABILITIES Current Liabilities: Accounts Payable - Contract Guarantee $ 21,731 Accounts Payable - Purchased Power & Operating 163,076 Total Current Liabilities Other Liabilities: Consumer Deposits �c},�/s Advance from Brazos Electric Power Coop., Inc. 18,750 Due to Brazos Electric for Capital Improvement 342944 Total Other Liabilities Contributions City of Sanger, Texas $ 234,148 24,873 815,603 $ 1,074,624 184,807 78,567 990,798 Retrained Earnings (Deficit) (179,548) Total Liabilities $ 1,074,624 N-3 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS UTILITY RATES AUGUST 31, 1983 Water Rates First 1,000 gallons (minimum) Per 1,000 gallons thereafter Sanitation Rates Residential - Flat Rate Commerical - Flat Rate Sewer Rates Residential - First 1,000 gallons Per 1,000 gallons thereafter Commercial - First 1,000 gallons Per 1,000 gallons thereafter Number of Connections (August 31, 1983) Water Sewer Electric Water- Usage $ 8.00 1000 $ 5.50 6.50 - 15.50 1,147 1,090 1,222 92,995,100 gallons N-4