07/25/2017-4B-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: 4B Development Corporation July 25, 2017 PRESENT: Beverly Branch, Beverly Howard, Will Dutton, Barbara Martin, Debbie Reaves and Jeff Springer ABSENT: John Payne and Christy Crutsinger, OTHERS PRESENT: Parks Director James Berman and Recreation Coordinator Jennifer Shumate Citizens in attendance: Stephanie Colston, Chelane Colston, Shannon Gann, Skipp Roelofs, Robyn Roelofs, and Angela Cope 1. Meeting called to order at 6:030pm. 2. Approve Minutes: October 24, 2016. Motion made by Jeff Springer to approve minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Beverly Howard. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Approve the Fiscal Year 2017/2018 Budget. Will Dutton made a motion to approve the 2017/2018 budget as approved. Debbie Reaves seconded that motion. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Consider and Discuss Future Park Development Projects and Available Funding. Jim Berman advised that the Trail Grant was not awarded and offered a brief explanation of some of the potential Reasons of why we didn’t. His recommendation is that we continue applying for the Grant in the future. Mr. Berman would like to propose in the meantime putting covers over the bleachers at both ball parks. A copy of the proposal was included for all board members that goes into size, time, and cost for both facilities. Ms. Reaves questioned why there was one bid and Mr. Berman advised that bids were from the buy board which is a state contract price. Will Dutton spoke to the importance of the covers as well as the fact that most parks do have these covers. And Jim Berman answered the question that he felt that the covers would potentially help in bringing in more tournaments to Porter Park. Covers for Porter Park are permanent. Covers for Railroad are movable in the event that the baseball park is moved in the future. This and the size difference explains the cost difference in the two parks. It was also explained to the board that these are permanent 20-year structures. The covers would be installed when no leagues are in season to keep disruption at a minimum. Jim Berman explained that if the board is in favor of the shade structures at both facilities the cost is already factored into the 2017/2018 budget so if the budget is approved as presented it would include the cost of the shade structure. The board also discussed the importance of a Parks Tour in conjunction with the Parks Department to get a better idea of local park needs so that priorities can be assigned. 5. Review Financials. No Comments. 6. Input From Citizens. Shannon Gann spoke in favor of the covers. She also stated that Porter Park was a nice park. Angela Cope also spoke in favor of the covers and stated that the distance of home plate to the backstop as well as covers are the two primary reasons that tournaments hesitate to come to Sanger. Skipp Roelofs agreed that covers are now really a necessity for all the fields. 7. Meeting Adjourned.