10/24/2016-4B-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: 4B Development Corporation October 24, 2016 PRESENT: Beverly Howard, Christy Crutsinger, Barbara Martin and Jeff Springer ABSENT: John Payne, Beverly Branch and Will Dutton OTHERS PRESENT: Alina Ciocan, Economic Development Director; Jim Berman, Parks and Recreation Director; Mike Brice, City Manager; Ted Christensen, Government Capital Securities; and Michelle Burke, Administrative Assistant 1. Meeting called to order at 6:00pm. 2. Approve Minutes: July 25, 2016. Motion made by Beverly Howard to approve minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Jeff Springer. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consider and Discuss Future Park Development Projects and Available Funding. Jim Berman explained the updated numbers for Phase II of the Sports Complex development. Ted Christensen advised the Board on the debt ratio pertaining to certain projects. Jim Berman readdressed his list of potential projects for the available funding. Mike Brice instructed the Board to pick their top five and discuss them at the next meeting. Jim will update the list and send out to all Board members before the next meeting. 4. Update on Project – Sanger Presbyterian Church. Alina Ciocan updated the Board that the project has been completed. There will be a Grand Opening on November 19th and both “soft” openings were a success. 5. Review Financials. Board reviewed. 6. Meeting Adjourned. Motion to adjourn made my Barbara Martin. Motion carried unanimously.