03/07/2022-CC-Minutes-RegularBANGER MINUTES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 7, 2022 7:00 PM HISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING 403 N 7TH STREET SANGER, TEXAS COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir and Councilmember Gary Bilyeu, Councilmembers: Marissa Barrett, Allen Chick, Dennis Dillon, and Victor Gann. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: City Manager John Noblitt, City Secretary Kelly Edwards, City Attorney Hugh Coleman, Parks & Recreation Superintendent Ryan Nolting, Plans Examiner Carrie Jones, and Chief of Police Waylan Rhodes. t CALL THE REGULAR MEETING TO ORDER, ESTABLISH A QUORUM, INVOCATION, AND PLEDGE Mayor Muir called the Regular Session to order at 7:24 p.m. The invocation given by Councilmember Chick the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember Barrett. 2. CITIZEN INPUT: Dannie Cockrell, 1002 Hunter Court, inquired about the enforcement of zoning regulations, specifically tall grass, debris piles, and long-term parking of trailers on the street. The City Attorney will respond to the resident's questions. 3. CONSENT AGENDA: A. MINUTES REGULAR SESSION Consider the regular session minutes from the February 22, 2022, meeting. (Edwards) Page I of 3 B. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR PEST CONTROL Consider a Request for Proposal (RFP) for professional services for pest control in and around City of Sanger Facilities. (Nolting) C. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) FOR BRUSH COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SERVICE FOR THE CITY OF SANGER Consider a Request for Proposal (RFP) for professional services for Brush Collection and Disposal Services for the City of Sanger. (Molting) Councilmember Bilyeu requested additional discussion regarding Item C of the consent agenda. Motion made by Councilmember Bilyeu to approve Items A & B of the consent agenda. Councilmember Dillon seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Superintendent Nolting provided an overview of the Scope of Services for Brush Collection and Disposal Services, determining the cost of hiring a company to assist with timely pickup and disposal. Motion made by Councilmember Chick to approve Item C of the consent agenda. Councilmember Barrett seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 4. REGULAR AGENDA A. PUBLIC HEARING SANGER LODGING ADDITION - REPLAT Conduct a public hearing on a Replat of Block 1 Lot 1R-1 and Lot IR-2, of the Sanger Lodging Addition, within the City of Sanger, being approximately 2.637 acres and generally located on the east side of I-35 and approximately 769 feet south of the intersection of FM 455 and I-35 frontage road. (Hammonds) Mayor Muir opened the public hearing at 7:42 p.m. Plans Examiner Jones provided an overview of the item, that no comments were received fi•om notified residents, and no action was taken by the Planning & Zoning Commission due to a lack of quorum. Mayor Muir closed the public hearing at 7:43 p.m. B. SANGER LODGING ADDITION - REPLAT Consider a Replat of Block 1 Lot, 1R-1 and Lot 1R-2, of the Sanger Lodging Addition, within the City of Sanger, being approximately 2.637 acres and generally located on the east side of I-35 and approximately 769 feet south of the intersection of FM 455 and 1-35 frontage road. (Hammonds) Discussion ensued regarding the size of the lot and if it was feasible for development including parking and the driveway entrance. Motion made by Councilmember Barrett to approve Replat of Block 1, Lot I 1, and Lot I 2, of the Sanger Lodging Addition, within the City of Sanger, being approximately 2.637 acres and generally located on the east side of 1-35 and Page 2 of 3 approximately 769 feet south of the intersection of FM 45 5 and 13 5 frontage road. Councilmember Bilyeu seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. C. VINSON ACRES ADDITION -MINOR PLAT Consider a Minor Plat of Lot 1, Block A of Vinson Acres Addition, being 9.728 acres, in the City of Sanger's ETJ, and generally located on Sam Bass Rd, 1804 feet south of FM 455. (Hammonds) Plans Examiner Jones provided an overview of the item stating that the applicant is dedicating the right-of-way (ROW), the plat meets the subdivision requirements, and the Planning & Zoning Commission took no action due to a lack of quorum. Motion made by Councilmember Barrett to approve a Minor Plat of Lot 1, Block A of Vinson Acres Addition, being 9.728 acres, in the City of Sanger's ETJ, and generally located on Sam Bass Road, 1804 feet south of FM 455. Councilmember Dillon seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. D. ORDINANCE 02-05-22 - WASTE FROM TREE AND SHRUB TRIMMING Consider Ordinance 02-05-22 amending Chapter 6 "Health and Sanitation", Article 6.500, Section 6.513 "Waste from Tree and Shrub Trimming". (Noblitt) City Manager Noblitt provided an overview of the item providing the revisions to the current ordinance. Discussion ensued regarding Brush pickup provided by Waste Connections, implementing a fee for brush pickup greater than 4 cubic yards, and that the brush be generated by a resident, not a contractor. Motion made by Councilmember Barrett to approve Ordinance 02-05-22 amending Chapter 6 "Health and Sanitation", Article 6.500, Section 6.513 "Waste from Tree and Shrub Trimming". Councilmember Gann seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 5. INFORMATION ITEMS: A. 2021 RACIAL PROFILING REPORT 6. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: None. 7. ADJOURN. There being no further business, Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 8:04 p.m. OF 1 S A iV �''�% <�L •� Muir, Mayor Kell EdwaYds, City Secretai3� =U: Page 3 of 3