07/12/2016-Parks Rec-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: Parks and Recreation Board July 12, 2016 MEMBERS PRESENT: Eddie Piercy, Jackie Pevehouse, Josh Shumate, Jason Collett, Alicia Metcalf, and Carrie Bilyeu MEMBERS ABSENT: James Fox OTHERS PRESENT: Parks Director Jim Berman and Administrative Assistant Jennifer Shumate 1. Meeting called to order at 7:00PM. 2. Pledge. 3. Citizen’s Input.  No citizens in attendance. 4. Consider minutes of the meeting of May 10, 2016.  Minutes approved unanimously after a motion to approve by Eddie Piercy and a second by Carrie Bilyeu. 5. Introduction of New Member and Election of Officers.  James Fox (who was absent) was introduced.  President – Josh Shumate Nominated by Carrie Bilyeu with a second by Jackie Pevehouse. Nomination carried unanimously.  Vice President – Jackie Pevehouse Nominated by Carrie Bilyeu with a second by Josh Shumate. Nomination carried unanimously.  Secretary – Carrie Bilyeu Nominated by Josh Shumate with a second by Jackie Pevehouse. Nomination carried unanimously.  Treasurer – Eddie Piercy Nominated by Carrie Bilyeu with a second by Josh Shumate. Nomination carried unanimously. 6. Follow Up on Sanger FREEdom Fest Held on July 2, 2016.  Attendance is estimated at 400  There were hot dogs, chips, waters, and popsicles. We had several bounce houses, a bike parade with 19 participants, and a dunking booth.  Board would like to see the addition of something for the older kids as well as some sort of music f or 2017.  Brett Bumpus, Softball Board President, offered his services to host an adult home run derby.  It was suggested to include that pets were welcome. 7. 2016 Budget Proposal Overview.  For the 2015/2016 Budget a separate budget was created for Recreation (separated from the actual Parks Department).  The Recreation Department stands to grow greatly for 2016/2017. It stands to get very busy and very exciting. 8. Open Discussion of Future Projects.  A grant was submitted for lightening detectors at both Railroad Ball Fields and Porter Park.  The trail grant that was submitted was denied. We will be reapplying in 2017. 9. Future Agenda Items.  October Events that will include a Fishing Derby and another run. 10. Meeting Adjourned.