04/09/2019-Parks Rec-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: Parks and Recreation Board April 9, 2019 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jackie Turner, Kelsey Stuart and Carrie Bilyeu MEMBERS ABSENT: Cale Trail and Brett Bumpus OTHERS PRESENT: Recreation and Events Coordinator Jennifer Shumate 1. Meeting called to order. 2. Pledge. 3. Citizen’s Input. • No citizens in attendance. 4. Minutes of the Meeting of February 12, 2019. • Minutes were approved unanimously after a motion to approve by Kelsey Stuart and a second by Carrie Bilyeu. 5. Follow Up on the Mother Son Dance Held on February 16, 2016. • All of the board members in attendance at tonight’s meeting were also in there for the dance and all agreed that this was a great event. There were approximately 96 in attendance and good feedback was received from the dance. This event will continue for 2020. 6. Follow Up on the Annual Trash Off Held on March 9, 2019. • Below are a few of the numbers/and a recap of the trash off: o 10 dumpsters and two metal only dumpsters were filled to capacity with some larger trash left to the side for additional dumpster pick up on the following Monday. o 74 total volunteers were there for the around town trash pick up and 47 bags of trash were fille d. Volunteers were from NHS, NJHS, a soccer team, the Lions Club, the American Legion, the Cub Scouts, Grace Bible, and several individuals and families. o Jennifer Shumate reminded the board that there will be an additional trash off this year on October 12, 2019. • Jackie Turner expressed the need for at least one volunteer to stay and help with the volunteers. This is an immediate need and will be addressed at the next trash off. • The board and City agree that the October trash off will be billed as mostly a trash dump off only – we will not be soliciting for volunteers but agreed that we will take them if they come. • Jackie Turner also asked again if 75 t-shirts could be worked into the budget for the volunteers. Jennifer Shumate said that she would find a way to work it into the budget for the 2020 trash off in March. • Lastly, Ms. Turner advised that reports regarding the trash off have been submitted to KTB as well as KAB for our current standings. 7. Discuss the Easter Egg Hunts to be Held on April 19, 2019 and April 20, 2019. • Jennifer Shumate advised the board that nothing has changed from previous years on either of these events. She asked that any board member able to attend arrive at 6:00pm for the April 19, 2019 hunt and 7:00am for the April 20, 2019 egg hunt. 8. Discuss the Dog Fun Run to be Held on April 27, 2019. • Ms. Shumate advised that this run was to replace the coffee run held in past years that never really gained its legs. This run is meant to be a truly fun run to gage a need and interest in doing a pet involved event. • The board was advised that if they are available, they are welcome to help in registration and getting the waivers signed. 9. Discuss the Kid Fishing Derby to be Held on May 25, 2019. • This fishing derby will be held just as the past derbies were. No changes. Any board members available are welcome to come out and help with registration and weighing fish. 10. Keep Sanger Beautiful / Keep Texas Beautiful / Keep America Beautiful Update. • Reports have all been submitted and Jackie Turner is still attending webinars as available. 11. Open Discussion of Future Projects. • None 12. Future Agenda Items. • Freedom Fest which is to be held on June 29, 2019. • Summer series of events. 13. Meeting Adjourned.