03/03/2020-Parks Rec-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: Parks and Recreation Board March 3, 2020 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jackie Turner, Kelsey Stuart, and Carrie Bilyeu MEMBERS ABSENT: Brett Bumpus, and Cale Trail OTHERS PRESENT: Recreation and Events Coordinator Jennifer Shumate 1. Meeting called to order. 2. Pledge. 3. Citizen’s Input. • No citizens in attendance. 4. Follow Up on Mother Son Dance Held on February 15, 2020. • Jennifer Shumate and board in attendance agreed that the dance was a success with the new addition of the photo booth being a favorite. There were around 120 people in attendance. It was agreed by all to not make any changes going forward. 5. Trash Off Being Held on March 14, 2020. • The trash off hours are from 8am – 12noon and all board members are encouraged to attend if possible. • Jackie Turner advised that she has supplies left over from last year for volunteers as well as some additional supplies coming from KTB. Jennifer Shumate advised that either herself or Carrie Bilyeu will assist Jackie with volunteers during the event. 6. Easter Egg Hunts Being Held April 10-11, 2020. • Jennifer Shumate advised that the events will be the same as 2019! Carrie Bilyeu suggested a backdrop for Easter Bunny pictures. 7. Minutes of the Meeting of January 14, 2020. • Minutes were approved unanimously after a motion to approve by Carrie Bilyeu and a second by Kelsey Stuart. 8. Keep Sanger Beautiful and Keep Texas Beautiful Update. • Jackie Turner updated the only news is that the annual report was submitted. 9. Future Agenda Items. • There will be no April Meeting • Arbor Day is on April 24, 2020. 10. Meeting Adjourned.