01/15/1934-CC-Minutes-RegularJANUARY 15, 1934 CHARGING ACTUAL EXPENSES FOR THE GRADER WORK LUMBER SHELVING AT THE PLANT PAVING OF BOLIVAR STARTING JANUARY 126, 1934 LEE AIKIN BE PAID $15.00 FOR EXPENSES FOR STREET PROJECT d<m . 15 1 G3 4 . The City Councll had with them,at the �k,bove smeetinr�; a commi -tee of men from Slidell Tex. for l,lle purpose trTing to get l,h' City Of 3 nger to install them a light Bystem in their towno The proposition ws a passed up until a later date, A TA'Otioei lvuas riiade by ToCoWlI_son and seconded. by RoTo1HAcRS that A.L,oGentle be ;made superviso11 of Lv;n{ to be paid 15o00 per vieek for Ills servicf,s ® j:�kot)_on c 1�l�jd® A Piiocion liras ind.e .,hat Jc�co C<A.Cro��ison begiven ,the authority to transfer the different accounts to t)>e Band. SinIcing Auad to pay of interest account, on B c) id s o i:iotion carr3.ed. t ;`,.,lion eras iilcLde icy ToC.�, ilsoi� a I aecond.ed b;� C'1Circ tx11e, that the ilia otingv ct journo k1otion Carr:l.ed, J ISjr-`i, YOre ,- i I }�.C_; �'1-'t it O171�C.I fillet iil 1 ((' u10.1' Session a1 pi^C fie `1`L e1,cepL 114,ayor Cilem Giles. TI itihititorD of tTic last -;meting were reed and ap,oroved.® I,:onthly b:i_1.1s vaere,:-read �1 vc;ri and o:r)cle;^ccl. ,naicA . by a rtoi.ion lnC.cl.e b`r T,0 ltc 1te11 n1 seconds.l }� 1'®C.,1lilson. ho-iion carriede �.�o,a_on to �� journ isias rn�.de b�T 12.T .Hi cl�s b�� T ..�;.'�Vilsoi-1® l�.ot•ion carried. l..il.vor®