12/03/1934-CC-Minutes-RegularDECEMBER 3, 1934 The C%ty Council rnet in regular session on the above date all vrere present except L.L.PlicTleil,th.e minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved® Monthly Bills were read and approved. and ordered paid by a motion made by A.L®Gentle a nd seconded by Clem Giles,the Tot ion carriede Jeff Cornett an agent for an Oil Control, used at Plant met with City Council to see after having let Chief Engineer Davis try out control, whether or not they desired to purchase same,bya Idiotion made by A.L®Gentle and seconded. by Clem Giles the Council voted. to buy same® The oil control belonging to C.A.Struve of Anson Texas* The drainage project east Santa Fe Rail Road. was brought up and discussed, and. by a r 'totion rnade by T.C.4 Iilson and seconded. by Clem Giles, A.L.Gentle was made Supervisor of the project at Salary oJ.' 15900 per week,same as Salary on Street Project. ]{lotion carried. V0 A Motion was made by E.B.Brc1wn that t:he meeting a journ. Notion and seconded by T.C. 4.1son carriedePh ' Sec e w ID