10/01/1934-CC-Minutes-RegularOCTOBER 1, 1934 The City Council met in a regular session on above date, all rr,embers of the City Council were present.Mayor Hurd being out of town. The minutes of the previous meeting were and approved. MONTHLY Bills were read and ordered paid by a motion made Clem Giles and seconded by E.B.Brown. A Motion was made by Clem Cites and seconded by L.B.Brown that the report of the equalization Board be accepted R;otion carried. A T, otion was made by L .B.Brovan 3^d41seconded by T.C. " ilson that the Tax rate be left at $1.00 per Hundred 'AND all Tax money collected be placed in Sinking Fund to take care of Bonds and Interest. Motion carried. A Dtiotion to a journ was made by Clem. Giles and seconded by L.T,.Itc Neil. Motion carried. or*