07/06/1936-CC-Minutes-Regular40 June®® I5 19369 The City Council met in a regular session on the above date members present were Troy Stinson® T.Q.L. c Neil ®B,3row and TeCaTIfilson Idayor° R®G*Hurd presidingpthe minutes of the previous meeting were read and approvede ,, �he meeting of the City Counciloand, presented an Amendemtnt the Tax collecting conctractlasking for the right to collect he Council by a motion madeby TeCoIN4ilson Toted. to table the amendment for the presents Ifiotion and seconded by Troy So isking for an add to be put in r.Chamber Commerce Rodeo .. over�lking. he proposition ,.as 'Tote Hotion was it Piade by T*C*Wllson and seconded by E*B*Brown that the city iave an add. in cataloguepprice 16*00 later reduced to 8*00 Dy the management) the �o other business to erne before the rneetn� � rnotiorr ���.� fiade b ®Es. ErouLL,n and seconded by Troy Stinson that the meeting ijournt The motion carried* Kayor Sec the Cite Council Yiet in aregular session minutes of Ihhe previous meeting Tere r< ad��Dprovedo all members were present,P,or ur presiding* he first business to come before the rneeting,vzras the monthly eyeil and seconded by Troy Stinson that they be pildved and ordered. Paide Motion carried s �Texft to come before the council Co��ncil to �rr�nge f' �aossblo instead. of ni �t,af'�ter quiet til. a later rneetinge was ,'i�'�'�'Jrso��.`i��'-sir-ig the city spa tat he rr,ight ors hours' t lk on hte matter it was tumbled boo other ��usirles the r�T�eeti:�� G-��c�ur��e� �ro�-:�± �nJ. secoriJ_ed � Glerr� miles ® �;��at iorr c�Eri.e �a {