07/13/1936-CC-Minutes-Regularthe city council net in a ca for the pupose of meeting xLtt ® I.t Law in regard to t 'axes off' the city ofSanger,, �,ler� C 2les® 1-'. B. Br oo vn® R,roy. mayor RoGsHurd presidede ll session on Juy loth® 1906 t the sesy{ion l.`re hirle Peters he collecting of the delinquent rr�embers Present were T o C 211s =n, Stinson,®L.Tj.lj,-cIllell being absent, The meeting; beE 4atin by 11:re �I etees explaing and telling how the collectors ILqad written letters etc@ and asking for the ada�,tion of the the delinquent TaX. list that had been Prepared gaiter quiet Cl lot of t lk the decided to vs:a , until later® 1Te�t bef®re t.h.e ca�.nci? ��3as tie att�® as�in� f®r 3nstr�.ction as- ghat to do ne�A. , the resolution to ins'l ct wia.s made by rnatian made b7,7- E.B.Brown and seconded bar hem. 0riles, after the motion the Grote vjas � .B.Bro in Clem. Giles® Troy Stinson :rating. ®°.es, ' ®Ce � ilson voting no * the resolution ilias that the Cite; Council instruct the a tt e to collect the O,.el.inquent 9 axes d.ue the city and be instructed to me t with the city council on the ZCth®day of august 1936 at 7 OeClock FF'4t® that he be instructed to present tab rolls for the council.,s for approvals that the atty be instructed at this time in reference to the delinquent tales in one of these ways as followe ri'o file a.n.d orasecute suits To-tr)reDare an ordinance instructing the tam collectors to drop yter, s fron. the rolls C®® so ,vrthlnolcd filing, suit so long as the tax pa 1,Ter is �c'_syrin installments ?�?o ether business toa^.ttend. nu se conuel ,, UY C,lern ia�le C) Ui 4 the llltz :tin J ,arre. 7 ewe. ,.ter L �