07/20/1936-CC-Minutes-RegularT?;e city council stet .in arenular session on the above date the -minutes of the Mato previous meeting vrere read and a -pproved, members present itliere I'tvjol'leal� t ilson® Stinson TTa7or �P.G.H rd presiding. L * UVIILOhe city of Sanger iTt.Tould bu7 or- donate to the 'e.7'alley %Tievi Foot 3all team 5*00 for a svueat shirt, sane being asl�ed_ A -Cop by thc-N, adies from 'alley lerj,,a motion Twas made by L.L.I�cIlIell and see. )v 'Troy Stinson thatthe CIt7 buy one for them* Motion carriede `''he- �e��t b�sines;- ��as the ��iazl�in� �' Znt irleers at. the plant to OL an e i gsht shift, to ta'Te effects 1�,�74,6, ® ';it�or c�uiet� a lot of discussionIj.Ije:ic.l`�eIl r�°ad, a motion lcylza'.s seconcee.d b7 i o�T Stinson t1�4 t the change be made, ITotion oa.rriede �vo other business to cone before the meeting a notion was made bP Z�Z� `: oeil and seconded b%,T T'ro�,r Stinson that t=neetting if�sed�