08/03/1936-CC-Minutes-Regular_G �'r.t• it ('ornc?_1 '_Ttet �_rCr, l 'r e _ ;iron oln i h L�.boi%e U! �? er;l�JE' s 1 e v-! rr l c"T J Troy S- ins on, a for e ��eY1t e2 e®�i (�11® �.L ® C 1. rn, l c ell I.2'd presiding, Lne minutes of the previous were read, and ppi, .ov .'he 11rst bUSin6S>� t.o corie before th Elie :tI to g.ras tr E reading of the nLontl.i lv bl l s 4 after being read they Vrere a l ovied. and ordered paid,, by rdotio rmade by o sIeLcNell and seconded by TaGaVellsons Iw.otjon carrie d I` e` t blaslrles: ,aS the v l r; �'I tale T17.v1t f1r'ci?taTr, �1i1%�®(1'fc le?1dE Ci, being; set, after disscusion, the; decided 10.00 per month being the 11 calarys "I"he motion -vo do this vdas rnade by TT' .C®it%ikon E, sec® by Late l`.fic I\Telle Motion carried 'the ne<>t b�sines to cor:�.e before the co�z�oa.l eras the �al,ryr of a�T�r�� kveritt• at plant, Al motion ms made by% ".Proy?° Stinson and seconded by ® ®': ikon that his salary be raised from 60 *C ? to 65.00per bnonth® I;:ot? on carried® �`he next b�a.sinoss to come �?� yeas in re�arda to I�el, '���� collections after some tali about the matter,tl�e cJ_ty council decided to have city sec, write `re .J-Ei-Fitxffines that at �resent,the� thou t best not to sae and one now,a d to vilait until later and see hoer the heonle would pay off this falls and not to meet the city cov acil on tsje loth, as had be_:n planed � this action 4ras put ia� effect by a motion node b7,r n �%,it' i � s®rl and_ seconded by Troy Stinsone Tie it•ion ctar inP' The r+e-^^�t 6�1.�_s1.C1F.v'• TJ��.S' t}1r" mSci142'yT of._s`�':e ooi�, r"�lte1�`�. ti�'•li�: on4'i`?1.c, l,il?3`I�'' t j_e1T .ec ide.-. o raise Ill;_: slaryto 1CrJ.%Gper moth,trls « s rrad.c bye a motion read._= by * C. ilson and seconded, b7T �'ro tlnson, :`at,ion carl i e a-o oo 1nte d_ .he na ror as an equalization Board for the and C * 1, e a rren, the city cot.ncil aff irTme d. Prow .t_gnson y sec+ by LoLele'.c.1 elle �'IotionLI Vicar l��Ci t1�is carried® Io otller� b�as�.r�es�r- to come before the cowl cil, L®L�':c I0ei.41 »�.dv a rrb-�ion antis it �rGs seconded ��� rroy*r tinsoz� th��.t the z�ieetin� a�o.�. yotion carried Signed t�yor� sec®