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MINUTES AUGUST 26, 1938 ORDINANCE CALLING AN ELECTION Light and power system improvement revenue bonds for an amount not to exceed thirty thousand $30,000. , . a w3 T i' 011. !D , L i'c, c of Tda ,1c : rho Gii; c:;: . n a ' To Er s T'h r aie.at .ean bo . ? on rho . ` h ; o: ` -, ;Qrn'aP , s ;3 , aa n'' i 5° `i :-1. c- ian trio i"a ati rin. r-.> osi ; can s l . 3 a a . , t o o ua.3 . : a . , i n o a ;- az of i1a i cif .n. x , T a h 'rho :; : . of n) pia . c " n ; . ; r caf" .n ax° lo: b .0 h< :i , d a ae ° . .h a ? 'a` nra ; y - Il ix~o man ° e° sbn azid a Zic + _ ;Y ?Il ' ht c,iil®`i Yi i:i 3 G ` ti . vCJ C)(JCI C'i 3a V !:?i.r aaCail. . >,;. a"V ° t . P;.'1il!i Cif f1 ;a ': "1 °y<ou % s' ,<T"„, , Y` !C?. , 'Iac^Y°£'," . 21v ' J u'`GBF I iJtix° ( " -% e " v s., LL" £ ° !"in.`i'1;. 1 + 1«^e :P..""26dc .L " iC3. t, Li 1 CST` d7.aY1 of tho "y 3 °1t? 1 r°i .. . " . ®. aa ;ii?.1-®'u.Tii'li%2. I r . l' :$° v s i " Y'" a: Qi;ii + ±its ; 'YC1 T3 , Cif' 7.a 'Y' aY , J "°a.Y1 i E' h ; s'£, a' a'S1`:i? ?f .1??3Y°a `?i?L .'L2 r ! ;"p C317Y°"eal h(; : f Cix .;:> ;Y I° Z'7.a« Y" Asa "N i ' ni c c e ti r h ? . ba . plc f°a . zz : r ; .od- ? ha ?.t: zv.ai o P - .x?o . ; . ad .ns re, 1 1T 'o bTa cx° .. f° en = . u e onua bonds -`ca ` i:ar^ ' ` }" T° :? ',if n'&'.Y' 7.t1 Yi;' 2%:T Y' % ia.Yl® Yi Z' SG'n ? t^GUI'a. tr_r,C`Z c,"€ ,` ; .l .U.12 , bla._'a. 1.21 ; Gh 71:tY" I`_`c: ' 1. ,i ,. li. x,'. 'iv'.f iC?ia iJf c°' .r.`C a 1 Yz . o I7 °`ctial.?"i 9.1 '7. Ci" t, `"L „s n _ a , i! I°2; ° E7£1,"3i 2(iC'l ?.t?5` a -^ `i ^ C?Y`t C7d " <;. b` '°?.t.' . f°, a"1t; 'C,1 C ✓ `. ' 5J-'<I1.i c:1J%;.'_. . `J. "' ' la: - J t d a: .' os i l < id - , :nai . l. , ; nx °o va .n. l bo ;ex ;' a , d pc .a. _ad acz _x'? aka ii .c . e ` o. . iod Azad a F ° ,` ac o oa k °i Z:i v2 aid aW°r ° ;; s i o3r a ' d end a ewe ao rwd ; ba acirx° ?. b i ' . )~ .Tar end .ad : a#:' ha _ ; z .' ;;gl'C;u ' r1 f ivP✓C At l"CAri J -id .` -i_O3i C?f' + `J,7 :L Saii i °.L ?F],.t.! yr CIt°'? +Cz Gi17C:' CJ rv,t %'It:ii'L ' C+ '"dd %.d 1 i? AZ2C c?'a" '3" r5`"G F . ' 3`" ''_?' a, it 'l? ',l" 'G'°l ; 'c",f'i i p C3T Ci :i' ',i; t °z"? .a Z?. ,1 "; fl.i"2t,'°,' ii^!G .li .',.:':ic r . , a .). .5'J.2 i t Y' a" 'tr`1. fX"1.G3. ,`:" 1n ; `° '. °e%^, %"'c .1.T'S s?ir ;F,'ia "1`.afC,i'1«a .=1 C.E'fi `ct ' / 'Ga ° Z9Ci '.S' '7.'f'ti 1C-'S's'i, St' 'V'".C l;a JT"C> +1.o`) P: ' f j 8.a A °° .' a zi ba ,d 3"_C7 ki ; 7 °C i !cTiC :3 .i', w '.0 ' u .ii liF £, 'in "[;(a a :;::?a .Tl 'b d vl"i Fl n lv " am i C3'V=' ; U s ,1 ;" I,lirf h 4 i >. s1 z 1z . T '.:r" T IiT 'l.'J ;I-t i. ' `!_ ' T t 'TxII 'u'a iC;C3! LCT C3 1 Gz r',.i'd'! IJT -li., c +IU G'?? 1'7 1,: . . ;I n.;T1 aY ..( s.Yl( t '® i : a e?ad^ ah .li bo ,y .b? a a _al- ;- .r d a lu ;a. al , ou, of c'r, ^ d 'm : i: v; I U :x ivad ' cr! a > io a? . d t ; oaf' ar, ar, Te s ? 'a : c . 1? , o . r ec1 s.d. a iex° `i;e ;1ea ~io la_ °h i1u. ,ov o ° eai a Baia pa ld„en of aoa- of operation, maintenance and other items of expense hereto?°ore cites and required by law@ Said Revenue Bonds to be issued under authority granted the City it Articles ?111 to 11180 both incli- live, Revised civil St€a.tute s of Texas, all. other la s of the Mate o. e:rss - ,.er{ nt a enaLlan maid. electican shall be held in all triin s as px•ovide€ by 3.a , s.t the City fall ira the City o ar? er°, T s.s, .nd the ollcar ln r od pex sons are hereby app ;ire_ted rrana er°s: presidira. ac ssoci te ;1ud e UL j ITICIiuL ;u Cles°I laid election shall be held 1n accordance .;vr th law pertaining to ol ctions bar es and, tc;vrnin cases of issuance ofmunicipalbore and such proposition shall be suluti teed to be voted uporr only by those who are oualif?.ed electors and rho owntaalo ps°oti,er°ty in said. city of apse sn.d -rho have duly rendered the same for taxation; an;=a. o person .. is not a qualified elector or who does not own taxable pr°osrt the City of .Sano:'r, Texas, or who has not sole rendered the sage for taxation shall b Tualif ied or permitted to vote at such election, and, a1 voters des?T°:in,cr to a-u.oCZ°$; and vote for the pr°G'pGSltiOri to 1SUe said Revenue Box4:1s as arc ve set oa'; shah have pra..nted. upon. their ballots the tordsz "FOR Tip I SCit i' tC up' LIC, - ; .y ;°'1 I 'pz' uVI 7 ' J z RqEiEB014ZiES' . $ arzd those opposod. shall have printed upon their ballots the a or°crs® Said election shall be held under the applicable provisions of the Constibution. and LawAas of the Mate of texas® Except as herein provided the mariner of holding said election shoal, be governed by the Saws governing general elections in cities and tcsiv so copy of thLs -J ect-I on order $ signed by the Ma, or of saiO Chat of m3anger, and attested by the Secretary of aaai`M1 City,, shall serve. as a proper no ICOC Elections and -the n aJ or IS %iereoy a follor zed and three twed Lo cause such not ice: o elecuiors to be pranged and o?z1611ed on one arze dad oI eac%:. v°o uooes ire e6D. i IA Er a g rderc i Gar c t l iC( i?7d d aiC d etii ili aid. QI G q the dote of Ulle A, it k rjne, k co alb darric,r h date is void. e ucio1, aad also ca 7 notice oi' paid e .e iC?r3 tea ie ; 'i T,evt ca'G• 'GS15, {tle, % %`i ..%i 1 1 ai, '2'r,-, r U ° `,. ax g 'r r r1 t't' J t?`},;ilo'r°' liclace;i %in paid Cite%$id p,tice to eotd for at iea t a.i'exz ghat t%ire ordti z+ance tla . . ta% :o e .'z u i a l :cai _teiv x ro l the date r ' Y S IREIA Tc, ' . zit® dw she f oa°eg©ing orda_nar. ce ham Ong 'been read ?n fc? 1 " %.So• City ecre , oy r "I v"' aa .tm LcT:e2i 1 s :7'i`7 sec 037,d `'u L^,? A'.de .=be; .ri v ® aka' SGr?'b Zi.,.CJ 43d i ai. (J.k.-' .L,_r,.YI a. t;%lat st?c%' ordinance be ?J6,SS'cd* L ` REt11 liN , the % ayC7r pU aY?c., r7a„a[ge o the E,Ie`'r.JeC+n OrCti?3at"ice as above set GL7,v bA,'o"trjd vote `,%rs + v!ti%i`e oT ed1o1.%vQ?eu40 Lpilca.lif the rCllJ`t.`a`c2eurZ' s,,.n V Cr Ci,ir?aris e adopted Vri %1 t_nE: i 0 1 C7aYiilg ` ' ' E' g 'a gip' or i s G. HuI'Ci l.iaerrailan TrCy e:aUrl" 'i ra ode mi an T awrozlce a oz°st tL C"!e '2T1a21 "^® C 'dsVa.,LSGYx YES S YE <.J 1 ITS ORDINANCE CALLING AN ELECTION TO DETERMINE WHETHER OR NOT THE CITY SHALL ADOPT The adoption of Provisions and benefits of the Acts of 1934, 43rd Legislature of The State Of Texas 4th Called Session, Page 49, Chapter 16, as amended by the Acts Of 1937, 45th Legislature, 2nd called session Hosue Bill No 164 TILERE TP01q, the Ma ror declared that said Ordinance as above set forth,, had been finally passed, and the I#ayor thereupon signed. such Ordinance any the Secretary attested such Ordinance and likipressed thereon the seal of said City of Sanger, Texas 111 the presence of the Board of Alde en, ThERa FT R. hla.yor Hurd stated the proposition i s roar before the Board of Aldemnen for the adoption or rejection of an Ordinance calling an el ec do to determine whether or riot the benefits of the Acts of the 43rd Legislature, 3 , te< CaGlle aE sSlt)Z?0 page 9$ pt r i8, as araerzde by the t of 1 37, 43th i pg .a laature, end Called 3css5.an, slo9 se BiII 1•Tc , 1G, shall app1 ,T to t'rz Ci r,y of Barbges°, az d rhev tI"ier ar not -the . ty eaf Ganger shall adopt r re jest t% e pro ` l.sirris of sari act b;;r a mate of the raslua .t property t pa T ~s .rho a. ~e goal. fled ta, paers vr a are qual.i.f'l.ed ¢, otexAs of a:d City at a specxl e:L :ctlar ca>.1od 2or the purpose by t. e goer®rx irg Raody of saa.d. :Ity, a.nd ther .upar the 'c l? a r_ g Grdinance'vms presented by Alderman To C. V'Iilson arsa read. aloud to the Boar f lde z en as fol.lovis, to ite 4n+I'd Tx,.l 20'TI the 0i4-;of Bangp:r, Te .as is a Ca ty of less tlr 1,d1.0 ix abata.nt: , according to the last preceding Federal census, and. oms acid operates an electric light plant or system; and Y .,i?aAS, said v 1ty i2asi owns c"li2d operatesXt t3' i'i " tEjr aJr ns r 'tE-3i2? tl, and l.ri a11 other respects caI%leS 'ti'althin the I,2`ov:t.9iC121.S of the rctu a:: 1 ' "48 - ? 'Ci I ,'g2Sl .tL1Y'e of tYl ;%;c: te of Texas , 4th Calleda` `,vss: .ai, Yu, Chapter 18, as a_; .end.ecl, by the llcts of 1937, of the 45th 1 cg;, alature of the Mate of Te.s, 2nd Called Session, house Bill No. 164; hOWip TIIERE OI E, BE IT 02P!! TNED BY ll Eo BCk lD OF 1,LD` 'Im I: Cr ThE CITY CY SANGER: That an election be held or the 29th gamy of September, A. Do 1938 at Which electl.on the following proposition :shartl be .zu tteds I Shall the CI tl of Sc'.t1z`; r Texas, adopt le rovisicri and benefits ti h of the Acts of 1934 A13rd 1,e islatgcre of the State of Tey, s$) 4th C&.nled Se s or,, aSe 49* Chapter I8., as swimended by the .dots of 1037, 45th Leg-1 s3_ature of the tug toof s2 d Called E ssiOi House 11iqo l6d. said Act roJ1 0bea:1n 3ubsta.nce; that in making Lip the annual appropriation off' the lxzoo e all revenue of any water works system, electImic li, rht plant or s rstem sertc;r e stei or other iubli c utility system, service or enterprise, now or that ma ; her4 ;a.f ter^ % oar sec xnd operated by any city or town having a population of 12,410 inhabitants or Less accaor d?_nd to the last preceding federal oen.sv. , and o li_n and o eratin Lts municipal light S"(Sterfi and rt nicipal lmrater works s"yuteD7L 'n oha',^4- te. the ,;cJ vernii. g booty thereof shall first maKe provision for the nmalnte,"a„ ce anc, Opera 4ting expenses of suet sy5 telll, service or enter pr ".! sea., and shall then inahe proms 7-ision fore pa -i"ilent of principa'. and interest of any indebtedness outstandinp.4 a?or 'Yprise, and may then make. Sl1ti'h appropricn,tior'o as the rCu lail ing inooC e andrevenue o . st:ch , 'ystaari, ser 71.c orente p" Se Justify', to be .pprc3 r rated c,mon the respect ve depar°tmen is off;' got I:i'J a1C i `overrme kt, or otiloniild4 'e° appropriated for public uses as such Tovern`1 Z. bo`Or T-'°c y d.e bes t vroldd sa.? Act shall ll not aalto ariyoiall o iloo ta.=s or enterprise's, the iramlie froIl1 4Jt e 1 'has h.... e ofore bee`i )l oC toeft _ ,I1Cn of bando 03 other indebted e6s, and za.J_d'-Lot further providing that `Cie s:;),1'.1e shad _rct restrict `tide po7wor arid, aAthc Lty Of any such city or vG.Fm "Go :issue C Ctu' or Lowe . fYo revenues other .sbCrC, 32Ii3e he manner and 1.+1:f er ;site re stric'1ons and 1.11 at` it s ). +"Jv'i.ed by 'Ro a-ws of t'Cljs State re at.-al.Ve to ti'1e 1suLance of such C1 r r^t?uT3. and Mlle rC i. S ec)r1 o Cif c iI h.a.%%rs steal] app''ly to and o` "E r"n SU0.11 City or v `oil a2ad the overr ing authorities thereof, e oe t as th r err. other:ise z o filed® l awes `vile City x c1.i , in the u ,lei, e< ts andLlc^ 1 J ° o r -i ri '.lied arson e aCh dui ouali" ad a requ...'red by' lazy,, are '`ier'eby alia O Tl'G l o ..l oa s oI. said e ecti_cia to l i.t Y V P..€i1 lY® e { p u'"'Ts a:'L:L, i v S`l;itP L C:;j'kI be C1er .® s 1r`1 l_ . h `..! rl. `sr 12er`.a.r" .gfra' 5 r✓oS.a?ba voters lArho favor tS?e propo i;i`? i.o.a to adopt the pr'ovis l.orrz an_c, 'D e11 k4S ;n e x { r= 1 -- m om_ c, n r- L , v r, - De;., of the Acts of 104, a.r Jt Lers .o....c ur'e of `t110 t.aL o7 ems, ! ut _. C au1Cr1, `a s Cna ti r , as amended T the r c s o f : a D , 45th L v3 s1a t' "C G 1i i Sy s , ' Urr v iS ? `' 11 lJo e 1 6 shall ha ve I': _nte. 4 U no12 'f i?tali bi lots a:,}tC ,dc r 7 w $ FOR the adoption of the. nrov? Sions and. benefits of the i s of 1v34, da3rd Le :isla. , i,7re of tube+ 2tat of o;.A , 4t Cc l%f d ✓ess' un, lao u' Ohtap tvr 18a as amended by the Acts of 1;37, 45th Lefa.sla.ture, 2nd Called Session, douse And those opposing shall pr,rlted upon their ballots the i?xtCzaim 81' the aca.optiohy of .:L?e prsov3adons a~d. bone f'i,s of t?e °ots os: lv a4, 43rd Le lsla.t r e of tine ta.-°;e of leas, 4th Ca11 , 1c-a,:;i.on, a. e 'm , Cha tx° 18, as aber.2ded v ;r tllo Acts of _19372 45th Le1.Ut-ure, 2nt Called, Cession, :noise till voa 84091 4 39 A coloy of this order, signed, by the Kayor of the. City of Sanger:, attested by, the C,ecretary of said City, shall serve as groper notice of said election® Said elections shall be help'! as nearly as possible in compliance with the lags with reference to regular municipal elections an said. City, and the y LvTayor° of the City of Sanger, Texas as hereby authorized and directed to cause. seas not.i ce of sa.i d elect ion to be posted at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, and at two other public places in said. City for not less than thirty (30) da&rs before the election® 4. Such proposition shall be submitted to be voted upon onl-yr by those who are qualified electors, ana who at?,rn taxable property in said City of Sanger, Texas, and 1 ho have duly rendered, ty1e same for taxation, and no person who is not a qualified elector, or Who does not o7hm taxable property in the City of Sanger, Texas, or w-hlo has not duly rendered the same fort a tion shall be qualified or permitted to vote at said election, the 6th aay 6: , bar the Board. of of Aucgijat, Ao D® 1938 ?ilderr en and A7:I?RGJTED y the - or,, this Lt as moved by AideZ"i. an T o C. 3 1 l.`-o ., ;".'-:d secordsd by ''hart such Ordinance be persedo 2l er, earls. f`..11 by the Secretary, a`rlda 4aa L. Mcae2ll, aeT°eu1aT1 the 1 3y"Or .G Piv S1n%iG.Gl 'a]at j."nose uhc favored taadopt-Lon and passage of the olea ion Crdi.tna.nce as above set out, VIOUia Prot a'Aye"., and those who opposed would vote "Ito". Upon. call cf the roli by the C ark, the Orda>anee 11>as aQIopted and pas zed, with the f'ollo iing vote, I ',ra r R . Go Hurd L ! dE''"i?az3 `l'I'+Jy Stinson :' Ald.ernan 1,awrence Horst ASAP Alderman To C m Wilson A YEE Thereupon theWyo." declared that said Ordinance, as above set out, ha.d been fina,l.lY passed, and the hayor thereupon signed such. Ordinance and the eoreta.rur at -tested such Ordinance in the presence of the Board of Aldermen® 'The above and foregoing 1V`,J_mates, Pages 78 to 842 both inclusive, approved goy the Board of Aldermen, and the 1 a,,,ror of the City of anger, Te s, this toe 26th day? of Augast, A. D. i938. t;ors City Secretary®