10-12-1938-Resolution-Nominating Municipal Engineering and Financing Company-10/12/1938be and the same is herebyr in all respects accepted. 2® That said City of Sanger agrees to abide and Conditions of said offer, including the Terms and hereto and made a part thereof by all the TerIT S Conditions annexed ® That the Secretary be and he as hereby authorized and directed forth with to send to the .Federal Mnergencyr Administration of public =:Yorks three certified copies of the proceedings of the Board of Conu.issioncrs ixz connection with the adoption of this Resolution, setting forth this IlResolu- tion in full, and such further documents or proofs in connection with the acceptance of said offer as may be requested by the Federal Eluergency AdI= ministration of Public Works. TTPSTS P1l.SS�Li 1b1vD 1iFP��O�D T��IS 12T3 DAY QF QCIQBFP, l93£i� Secretary® Wm Mayor Then there came on for a.iscussian the letter reeeived frown. x����a., dated Ser,tember 28, 1938 and in aocordanoe with the stated therein, t he following resolution was introduced by L. L. I'doNeill and seconded. by T® C® afilson® The motion was unanimously carried by the Poll ng votes; A`iDS: Comrdssianers liilsan, Stinson, Pate, P:cNeill, Horst* T`?vEC a NONEe The Mayor aninounced that the resolution had been fioally passed® RESOLUTION NQMTi1ATTIvG ENQrNFP B� IT �`SQ1.,VijD, That the Board of Aldermen, of the City of Sanger, Texas, havin investigated -the qualifications of Municipal engineering � Finance Company, of Dallas, Texas, and having confidence in t:le:lr ability, do hereby nominate the said kunicipal Exri�ine�ring v4 Finance Company as Engineer, to prepare plans, specifications and other contract documents, and to super® vise the construction and improvements of the project for which an allocatinn of funds has been made by the Public forks Administration under Docket No. Texas 2432®P'F, and in accordance with the executed gineering Service Contract heretofore entered into by and between City of Sanger, Texas and T unicipal :Engineering Finance Company of date August 3, 1938. FEE IT FtP�T1IE RELO VF , That this nomination anal two �2) er� of ied copies of said Engineering Service Contracts be sent to the ��ebion® a1 Director, Public J1orks Administration, Region 7r W Electric Bu�lding, Fort i'dor°th� Texas,, with the request that the same be approved® ThE.'�at1?ON .�`';1v9 T�iE!�sJliIy'TE a full discussion was had of all matters pertaining to said letter of date Septenber® 28, 1938 and the Mayor and City Secretary were directed and instructed to do any and all nings necessary to comply with the terms tIhereof. 1Jpon motion of Corrnissioner T� C® +,��ilson and seconded by ® E. Pate meeting was adjourned® A+'TESle City Secretary® lia7,�or