06/28/1939-CC-Minutes-SpecialThe Clt�r Cu=I.L met in. aregidar session on t Al date,, the minutows of the previous Tmeetlng were read and approved, members present E, ®Patte Troy St:izason® 11J L. cNeil�m Toary McDa iel-s J,L.Horstg Mayor Wilson presid nge Instructions were given to secretary to Barite Mroe Mollie Brockman and get some I nformation on trade lot etc® eat the ��b����,1 had. die � tl�� with �® ��ivis chief nineer i .r°e�a�°d to rules of plant etce � c�the�° �usi�ess t�.�,tte�� t� � mctfor� pass made �� �®tP��3e�rl sad sec by a E. P to that the counci.1 0 OUMI, e® S® 1939® session he City Council met in a called to pass a resolution in regard to the enalty Interest remitted on delinquent T es, resolution attached to Page 155® Vol 4® after being properly signed a motion was made by L,L, Mc Weill and sec® by Troy Stinson that the council ajo n� Carried. . f Signed,& syor, _ ��